revalving MZ GasGas ec250 08


New member
Hi everyone!

I think this is the first time I write in this forum, so I will introduce myself.
My name's Juan, and I'm writting from Spain. I've a fantastic Gasgas ec 250 '08, but of which I am not entirely happy with the fork

I was looking for information, and I found it, but is not enough.

I need more hydraulic retention in the low-speed compression. Now, I've stock valving, with oil sae 10 and 100mm air gap.

I'd like a fork in the first tranche was soft, and gradually harden, or that is progressive.

This is obtained by increasing the low speed compression hydraulic, reducing the high-speed compresion hydraulic and increading the air gap.
As I have sae 10, down to sae 5 with more air gap, I get everything but increase the low speed compresion hydraulic.

So far seems to by easy, but the problem is I don't know to modify the shims.

My stock compression stack is this:


From left to right I think I need to remove 8 and 10 shims, to move 7 and 9shims to 9 and 10 position, and to add a lower diameter shim in 7 and 8 position, building an inverted pyramid.

If everyone can help me on that shims I have to mount, I wold be very grateful

Greetings and thanks in advance

Why don't you measure the shims and list their dia and thickness in order starting from the piston face back. This is the common way how valve stacks are specified.

Welcome to the forum!
Hello. Recommended by a preparer of suspensions, I removed the shims 6, 8 and 10.

When I can, I'll dismount and mete out

Also, next week, a Husky SMR 510 arrived home ,with MZ fork, so I'll desmontar the valve and I'll mesure it