RM Showa Fork Conversion ?


New member
I sure hope someone can help me with this one. So I bought a 2000 xc250 frame and was given stock forks and clamps which I fitted and all was good.

I also got a set of Showa forks off an RM with new steering head bearings and triple clamps so I assumed it would be a straight swap over but when I removed all of the stock parts yesterday and went to install the bearings and races fit but the headtube length appears to be longer than the Suzuki so the lower set of threads on the stem land in the upper bearing. :confused:

Please advise if you have a solution. The upper triple clamp nut is not strong enough to hold it all together is it?

Appreciate any advise.

You might be able to press out the steering stem from the gasser triple and press it into the RM triple. You'd have to do some measuring to see if they are comparable. I know the older yamis press out from the top down and just have a snap ring around the bottom to keep it from pulling through.

Either way, let us know what you find.


I think the bearing ID's were different but if not that is a good option.

Otherwise machining a new stem or cutting and extending the Suzy stem is viable.

The forks are newer version. Maybe 04-07

I think the bearing ID's were different but if not that is a good option.

Otherwise machining a new stem or cutting and extending the Suzy stem is viable.

The forks are newer version. Maybe 04-07

Another option would be to have the GG triples machined to accept the Showas.
Hi Jacob Thanks

How are you liking the GG vs the Berg you use to ride? Hope to get out with you and Doug again before to long.

I have two GG, if that tells you anything. Love the bikes. Get that bike running so we can hit some single track. I got your message, will give a call soon.