Robbie Maddison jump

Yeah, I seen it last night. The long distance type jumps are not a big deal to me, but this stunt was definitely something to remember. I was nervous as well. There is just so many things that could go wrong... with no "safety net" to prevent serious injuries. Luckily, it ended decently with just an injured hand. The jump down is definitely harder to do by judging the correct speed, etc.. He overjumped the landing and landed way down on the transition. It ended up about a 80 ft. drop to the ramp bottom. Ouch!!! Luckily, his suspension had enough rebound damping to not buck him off, but it came pretty close. :eek:
I enjoyed that too. I have to admit that I thought they overplayed the jump off. I thought that the jump down would be easier. In my experience, with jumping off of steps, drop offs, dunes, ledges and such that the drop off would be a piece of cake. After watching that, I think I was wrong. Though it did appear that he was going a little fast. You basically need to just be barely moving and blip the front end out in order to do something like that. I'll admit that I've never done a 50 foot drop though. Big for me has been about 15 feet, which was plenty scary enough. That guy is very brave if nothing else. DON'T sign me up for that nonsense.
I was there to see it in person. It was was a big drop as you can see in the video. The crowding on the streets was so bad I almost left. Things got a little better when the police opened up the area a little. It is cool to say I was there!
He Must Have Been Sick On The Day That Brains And Common Sence Where Being Passed Out. Watch Out For This Kid-he Has A Future As A Wheelchair Athlete!