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Time for a new lid.
Looking for some feedback on the new generation Shoei. I owned the previous generation Shoei and liked it alot.

I've been running Arai for the last few years and thinking about going back to the Shoei. The Arai has cost me a fortune in replacing the cheap plastic vent covers. They want $30 just for the 2 plastic vent covers. Its frickin highway robbery. I break em quite a bit on low hanging tree branches and brush. A couple times the brush got underneath and just popped it off so it was littered out on the trail somewhere.
Anyhow I don't want to turn this into a review of the Arai, but I expect more for my $

My number one and main question to those that own this new generation Shoei is.... Since there are no plastic vent covers over the vents on the top of the helmet, when it's a nasty wet day in slow technical single track where 10mph is a accomplishment, how much rain water comes in? Is it minimal, or is it like running in your eyes on those days goggles just aren't usable while racing or riding?

Is the new shape a problem including the larger goggle port?

Any info would be appreciated as I'm not seeing alot of them out there in the off road world yet, just moto.

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I have never worn one but I can tell you I used to ride Reiter in the rain all the time and I would guess nearlly all the watre in my helmet was sweat.
I have never worn one but I can tell you I used to ride Reiter in the rain all the time and I would guess nearlly all the watre in my helmet was sweat.

:D :D Yaaa I know. That kind of water stings the eyes though. But at Reiter you pray your helmet leaks to give your head a little water cooling effect.

Just wondering cause I have lost the top vent on my Arai and the hole is no more than the circumference of a pencil and significant water makes it in. It's enough that you can feel it. Of course this was on one of those raining so hard the fish are taking cover days. It's not only the rain itself but its the massive amounts of rain our dense vegetation holds when your helmet bumps into or runs through it.

Anyhow, just wondering if anyone had one cause, if you look at the Shoei the two vents on top while in your riding stance, looking forward, appear as if water may enter in easily since there is no covers like the last generation Shoei had. These vents also look far larger than the circumference of a pencil.

It's probably not an issue.
I was hoping for some real world testing. All the tests I've read have been by moto guys, in Southern cal, on lovely days. Not in the rigors of a western Washington winter climate.

I have one and while I haven't worn it yet in a down pour but I have worn it in light rain. I haven't had any water problems with the vent holes. I didn't like the fit of the cheek "pork chops" and had to get smaller (ones for a bigger helmet). With the shipped ones if I opened my mouth it was a given I would bite my cheek when i closed it.
REVERUP;37837 Just wondering cause I have lost the top vent on my Arai and the hole is no more than the circumference of a pencil and significant water makes it in. It's enough that you can feel it. Of course this was on one of those raining so hard the fish are taking cover days. It's not only the rain itself but its the massive amounts of rain our dense vegetation holds when your helmet bumps into or runs through it. Roscoe[/QUOTE said:
Dude, ever heard of tape?

I hear ya on the Arai. I love mine though, and had to replace it with another. Nothing even comes close as far as fit and all day comfort. Besides, if you're wearing an Arai to qualify for the ISDE, you get the team helmet at no charge.

Tape your hole, save your money.