sinus surgury,


New member
I had the surgury this morning at 9am, only took like 45-50 minutes. I was expecting more pain, this might get worse? I was on my way home at 11. I was told I snapped out of the anethesia quick, within 5 minutes of getting out of the op room I was drinking juice and soda. The Dr. told me he will fill me in more tomorrow when the packing comes out. He said he had to pull more bone out than expected but said my results should be a major difference. Actually with the packing in right after the op I could breathe better already, now they are packed up with blood and snot(I guess?). The kicker is I really have to sneeze! I'm only on 1/2 the pain meds as I really only have a sinus headache type pain. If this is it pain wise it will be well worth it. So far(still easrly tho) no downside to this.
I will try to keep everybody posted as how this goes. By the way, this was also to keep me from getting vertigo again, which is bad, very bad.
Steve C

Jeff, an injury/recovery section might be a good idea, specially that I post here.
I hope you have a speedy recover!

What prompted you to sinus surgery? Was it sleep-related issues (like snoring) or chronic sinus congestion?
I've been having more and more sinus infections every year. This year was the kicker with a dozen, plus one rutptured eardrum and an extreme case of vertigo brought on my the clogged sinuses pushing the pressure and infection into my inner ear. I've always had an issue with breathing, sinuses and snoring as when I was a kid I broke my nose often screwing around. The septum was badly deviated and apperently had grown into the sinus passage closing off one and resricting the others. I just kinda got used to the poor breathing. I also have bad alegies and asthma too. If I can figure out how to scan an xray I could post the cat scan. If the pain doesnt get any worse this will be a win, as until my nose packed up I could aready breat better with the packing in. I'm glad I waited tho. After talking to the nurses at the surgical center it seems the surgury I had was the new style, the old style was more painful and wasnt as effective. They told me they have only been doing it the new way for about 2years. If you cant tell I'm bored. Cant seem to get comfortable to sleep and nothing else to do but surf.
Steve C
I've always had sinus congestion from allergies but nothing like you had to endure. Best of luck with your healing. I posted a couple videos so if you're still bored... go check them out!
Well, today at 11:30 the packing came out. That by far was the worst part of this. It only lasted 5 seconds, maybe less. She said I'd feel a slight pressure? Light pressure my ass. At least it was over quick. They then cleaned it out and sprayed in some drug with a blast of pressure. The splints come out next wensday, but I was told once they snip the stitches they fall right out. I already breathe like 100% better. I cant blow my nose for two weeks, but they said I can sniff, in ok no out? All in all its been real low on pain, I've only taken 4-5 of my pain pills. No downside at all at this point. I think I might even be able to breath out the nose while riding, something I dont remember being able to do ever. If you get this done just make sure its the newer style operation.
I'll keep posting daily, as I have time, sitting around doin nothing.

Oh, and the vidios are great! One of these days I'll learn to burn on the dvd and get a good dvd to watch while on the treadmill!
My wife had sinus surgery performed about a year ago. FYI - I asked her about it and she said it took here about 3 weeks to recover. She says she can breathe much better now and a side benefit for me is that she rarely snores now.

I was having issues - lots of sinus infections, congestion etc. It turned out to be triggered by allergies - I started using rhino-cort (steroid spray for nose) and it cleared me right out.

Since you can't blow your nose - can you use a saline spray to thin things out? I use an aerosol called "simply saline" - it comes in a little white spray can and works great. It doesn't sting as much as the saline sprays in the little squeeze bottles - it has less preservative since it is in a sealed can.

Take it easy and good luck.

The Dr. office gave me a saline kit to start using 3 times a day tomorrow. Hope it works! I have lots of discharge due to the irritation. I'll check out the spray too as when I'm done with this kit I still might need to use a saline spray.
Steve C

Glad it went OK. When are you cleared to ride? I would imagine when completely healed to avoid infection from dust. Now you should run like a bike with a fresh clean filter!:D When I had a sinus barotrauma (ruptured sinus cavity) from a diving accident, it took a couple weeks after the swelling went down to stop blowing bloody catipillars, so don't be surprised.

Rattlesnake Enduro 7/30. If you feel OK and want to get away for a day or so, head out and camp with us. You and Kyle can pit as it always helps. We should have a good crew and will stay over Sunday night as well.
Magellan said:
Not to make too much fun of your surgery, but anyone else see the humour in this statement:D ?

LOL... overbored, resleeved, and going for maximum displacement. :p
Nice Guys!! I see the humor in it,, my wife she didnt understand.. Well its friday and still have discomfort but no major pain. Only took one painpill yesterday and hope none today. I'll have lots of leftovers. I took the nose diaper off today as the drainage is now minimal. Cant wait to get the splints out.
I'll let you know, If I'm ok to be out in the dust and heat I'll help pit. Havent been to a race I wasnt working in some time.
Steve C
Well, I got the splints out today! Starting to feel more normal. My breathing is so much better its hard to believe. As far as pain, only anoyance, and discomfort. Its about as bad as a bad sinus infection. The thing is,, there are restrictions during recovery, no lifting, straining, bending over,,might pop the stitches. I just have a tightness in the nose area and its tender to the touch. You should have a humidifer in the room at night. The moist air really helps. It broke the other night and I had a killer sinus headache in the morning. A t-3 and it went away. If you dont have a phisical job you could work 3 days after the surgury, Me I wrench for a living. Work is kinda off till another week. I'm doing light duty, phone calls etc..
All in all, I wish I did this earlier,, the only bad part was the packing coming out, that was real bad, but only lasted 30 seconds.. If this cures my constant sinus infections, its really worth it even with more pain it would. I didnt even bruise around the face. My Dr. was excellent and if anybody is in the allentown/bethlehem area and needs an ENT let me know, I'll get you his name.

I'll post again after my first ride and let you know how that goes.
Strangest day yet,, I've been doing really well,, and today was just a little strange. I'm still on Dr. restrictions,, ie. no blowing nose,,lifting etc. Well as told the stiches will disolve and come out. They started last night, no pain just a strange feeling, like somethings moving in there as I beathe. Then my nose cloggs up, start the running, draining into my throat, nasal drip,, I thought sinus infection?? Then at 4 am I had to use the sinus flush,, out comes a clog/stitch,, then at 6 am I had to flush again,, another stitch.. I had a headache by now as the rinse kit seems to give me a headache(sinus headache. I had stuff to do today,, but I was not about to be out in the dust at a race(my culbs HS) without a bathroom to use my flush kit. I stayed home and over the course of the day had 3 more stitches/clogs come out. I feel so much better now. I can even breath clearer now. Feel bad about missing the club race but until this year I havent missed a workday or event, even cut my 10 yr aniversary vacation short 2 days to work an event. I think I'm going to be able to ride next sunday, the first time since april I'll be able to get out.. It'll be either 100F or 60 and torrential rains next weekend.
All in all still getting better and still was worth it,, my question, the way I can breathe now,, I assume thats the way everybody else has been all this time??? I never realized how bad I was until now..FYYFF! nobody told me!!LOL

Good for you, glad your feeling better!

I'd like to ride this weekend, if I get my parts this week. Had a bad case of crashitis at Rattlesnake, broke a few things. Bizarre, had a good Trelleborg 914 shed its side knobs and make the bike very hard to keep on the trail. Every time I tried to go fast I ate it, with a couple of big ones. Hit a tree so hard I bent the steering damper tower!:eek:
sinus surgery

Glad to hear it's healing up good and your breathing better. I broke my nose when I was in 2nd grade. Got taken thru an orchard on a horse I had no buisness on. Bashed my head on a limb and landed on a large rock and cut my head open. After I got my head stitched up, my dad wondered if maybe I had broken my nose too. I lied and said no. So I got away with it.
I have pretty much the same story as U. I'm almost 57 now. About 5 years ago I had Septo Plasti done on my left nostril. I'm so glad I didn't remember how painful it was on my dad years ago when they removed all those miles of gauze from his nose with the " The Old Procedure". Like U said, it was painful, and packing didn't want to come out! Yikes! There was a slight hesitation with the pain, and then it was over.
I still have trouble with this nostril. I go to another ENT. now.This guy is sharp. I have sleep apnea, and went to him because U have to be able to breath thru your nose to be helped with the C-pap machine. My nose still plugs up alot. So bottom line is I'm on Plan A, using Breathe Rites and Nasonex nasal spray along with my C-Pap machine. Plan B would be to remove my septum and crush the bulge which is partially blocking that nostril, flip it over to the good nostril, and reinstall.:eek: So I'm giving Plan A as much time and effort as is necessary. As far as breathing thru my nose, I still have a really hard time not breathing thru my mouth. Probly just habit?
New update,,
I can still breathe!! bad news is I'm having slight ballance issues,, If I get a cold at all, ear ache or so I need to be careful,, I guess its left over from the vertigo,, Apparently I'm only using one inner ear for ballance and its easy to get that out of whack.. My wife was backing out of a parking spot the other day and I grabbed the dash for impact as I thought we were moving forward.. a little scary,, Had issues riding last sunday lost track of where I was or something and smacked a tree hard,, luckily it was only a 4" diam oak,, split the thing down the middle at the impact spot. Didnt like that tree anyway,,
I was supposed to ride today but decided to let my earache go away instead..
If anything changes I'll post again,,
That's scary Steve. I hope things get sorted out.

As hard as it is, that's a smart choice not to ride right now.

I was out yesterday in my truck,, to go help clean up a camping area for the big dualsport ride in town. When we all left,, everybody on bikes and me in my work truck it felt odd,, kinda like the commercial with the 2 mountainbikers and the one pretending to ride one, still waiting for your rewards comercial. I was waiting to take a faceplant down a hill.. I'm feeling a little bit better today but not good enough to ride. I believe I will be going down to my ent dr this week for a checkup..