Smoothest jetting


New member
What needle and main jet combination gives the smoothest power transition when the power valve opens on a 2011 300? I'm currently using a NEDW 2 0r 3 depending on temperature and a 175 main. This is the best I found so far.
Splitting hairs with the NEDJ, the difference between it and the NEDW you are using now is 0.01mm on the straight section of the needle only (say up to around 1/8th throttle). Once on the taper profile you'll be hard pressed to find anything smoother than the NExx needles.
It is quite smooth. I have found I can turn this bike with the throttle because it is so smooth. I actually run a flywheel weight to smooth the transition. What are your thoughts about richening the needle one more position? Pros and cons?


FYI - I had a young fast rider hook up with me and we rode about and hour and he said he just could not believe how smooth I was. I asked if he wanted to try out my 300 and he said no because he did not have any money to replace his 300 KTM:)
You could try run it a clip richer for sure. It might start to break up a bit though. NECW is the half clip difference (leaner) if you really want to fine tune it.
Worked good going richer. Ignition map switch still was noticeable even with the richer jetting. Exhaust still clean. Just a touch darker but no drool.