Soft front brake EC300 '13


New member

My EC300 '13 with stock brakes, is braking good on the front.
However my fingers on the bars are getting stuck between bar and lever when braking hard.
The resistance is to soft and having to much travel on my brakelever.

I have replaced the oil, but no result.
Are there other way's to minimize the travel and getting a hard feeling?

Thx, first wil change the banjo.
didn;t know it was different.

Jakobi, english is not my natural language. Can you explain the last words?
The adjustment at the clutch lever. From memory I think I used a thinner lock nut to give less play.
banjo crossover

I need to do the same thing - front brake is mushy and travels too far at the lever. Already running RBF600.

Is there a particular year/model banjo that crosses over?

It may sound crazy but I had this happen and when I pulled the caliper off there was a rock wedged up inside the caliper above where the rotor passes through and it was causing me to have spongy brakes. Just a thought

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