standard jetting info please

turn the carb to the side and unscrew your flaot bowl and undo your jets and see for yourself.
if you're going to replace them you'll have to do that anyway.
who knows what the previous owner put in?
and even if it was bought new by you, you still best check it for yourself.
thats why quite a few people looked at your thread but didn't leave a comment.;)

ciao, Hannes.
You'll need to provide some info, in order to even venture a guess. Altitude, general climate(common temps, humidity, etc.), You'll also need to know which needle you currently have. Jakobi will probably have the best info, for a start. If you are lucky, someone here rides a similar bike, under similar conditions and will chime in.
No idea what a starting point would be for a 125, but it'd be expected to be a bit richer than a 250/300 for sure. The best way is to provide as much info as you can. Current settings (carb size, pilot, main, needle and clip pos, slide number) and conditions (altitude, temps, fuels, oil ratio, etc) and then.. how the bike runs now, and how you'd like it to run. The more info you supply the more likely people will be able to chime in with suggestions.