On Feb 22, 8:36 am, Dean H <dfhy...@optonline.net> wrote:
> Removing the lower bearing from the steering stem seems problematic.
> I'm guessing there's a special tool. I'm also guessing there's another
> way. So far, all my ideas seem a little brutal.
These guys are all nuts.
It's super-easy, you just need a hydraulic press - I have a 6 ton
press that I got from Harbor Freight for ~$100 15 years ago. Set the
lower triple clamp (stem facing up) on a socket that is bigger than
the bottom of the stem. Press the stem out of the clamp and the old
bearing falls off. Press the stem back into the clamp - I use a piece
of 1" black pipe that is 8-10" or so long as a spacer. The stem drops
through the clamp into the pipe, then you press the stem in from the
bottom of the clamp - pipe supports the reinforced area on the clamp
around the stem. Flip over and place the bottom of the stem onto the
socket - but turn the socket oyer this time (closed-end up) so the
stem is supported, and press on the bearing using the same piece of
pipe to push the bearing - it goes on easy, so don't squish it.
Takes about 3 minutes to change a bearing, provided you have Black
Sabbath playing in the background. 4 minutes if you don't.