that little chain roller


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that bolts to the kickstand, is it necessary? I had a new one but after todays ride its gone...
Ii lost that thing on one of my previous gassers. I rode without it for a long time not even knowing. My kickstand felt funny and I kept tightening it. I finally noticed that it was the bottom bolt and subsequent missing roller. I think you need the roller to keep your chain from slapping around so much, and to keep your kickstand mount in tact.
I only just replaced mine. I only found out there was one there when I ordered a whole set from scotties. he asked about the kickstand one and I said are you sure?
Anyway after a few pretty hectic rides it is still there.... so far.
Cheers Mark
I used a Honda roller there for a few years but decided to go back to stock. Why? Because the roller bearings in the Honda seize up.
once again GOFASTERS hooked me up, needed the bolt for kickstand anyway so went ahead got new roller and locktite lol..
DRC makes a good ones, with good bearings, you need tonloctite the srew.

Runing w/o is not a big problem until you break a chain, w/o the rollers the chain slaps e erywere and may damage engine cases and/or block the rear wheel.

have fun,

mine got lost out on the trail 5 years ago. A small piece of plastic plumbing pipe ( which doesn't rotate ) has been in ever since.
mine got lost out on the trail 5 years ago. A small piece of plastic plumbing pipe ( which doesn't rotate ) has been in ever since.

Being a plumber I find many usages for "Pex" piping.

Another good use is splitting a 3" piece of 3/4" Pex and using it as rim savers when changing tires.
Thanks for the tip HuskyDude! Too easy! I've been changing tires for folks, and some of them have colored rims. I hate the really nice ones! I just slam my own rims, I don't have any regard for scratching them, long live silver rims.