The best all aroun jetting '14 ec300


New member
I got lost in the jetting threads and even taking notes so....

'14 GG ec300
0 to 1500 ( NE United States )
gas 50% VP 110 50% Sunoco 93 OCT .
NO Motor mods ,stock bike

Aside from winter jetting , what is the best all around
jetting combo without diving into the carb on a regular basis ,

March 'till Nov. My lowest riding temp being 40f highest 90f .
I'm in Pa on my 13 300 I have a 175 main, N3CJ middle clip, 42 pilot, air screw at about 3/4 of a turn. In the winter I'll drop the clip one position.
In the middle of a rebuild right now and the piston looked great as far as jetting, power valve was clean and I don't get spooge but I have a Leo Vince silencer, always had spooge with the stock.
Not sure how this applies to the 14 but should be a starting point
Wimpy just posted the exact same jetting that I was going to recommend. We are higher in elevation here but our temp and humidity is lower than you probably. We run a 172 main, 40 pilot and a n3cj needle in the middle position in the winter and in the second position in the summer.
Wimpy just posted the exact same jetting that I was going to recommend. We are higher in elevation here but our temp and humidity is lower than you probably. We run a 172 main, 40 pilot and a n3cj needle in the middle position in the winter and in the second position in the summer.

I have the same bike at 0-1000ft and I changed the needle to a NEDW and it runs really good, much better than the stock needle. Left the main and pilot alone, but that is on pump gas.

I am in a similar position as you. I run 50/50 VP MS103 and pump gas in another bike and wanted to run that in my 300, but am a little worried about it running too lean and needing a re-jet for the fuel. 110 octane is very high and much more than the stock bike needs. Too much octane will result in a lean condition (ask me how I know).

Thinking of trying Sunoco 260GT (100 octane and oxygenated). This should be more in line with the stock motor and provide a crisp throttle with some extra grunt. After reading up on the 260GT, it has about the same oxygen content of E10, which is all they sell around here, so I am thinking no jetting change required. It is also cheaper than VP fuels and easier to find.
Facrory tolerances are known to vary wildly. At least use some thick solder and check it. Ideal is 1.2 mm, however anything up to 1.5 is OK. Past that jetting is more difficult. Some engines have measured well over 2.0 mm.