The Crusty's Quinns Report West Oz

I thought i would enter some of the crew i go riding with and they are a great bunch of people .If you go to the web site you will see some great Western Australian ride spots and pics.The big problem is only two Gasser's in the crew, hey But The Earth IS Slow And We Gasser's Are Patient! There Are some some great bikes And Every one use's the corner man system and we all get back to the take off point.Alot of the rider's go in the local enduro's and some have been the Finke Desert Race which is Australia's dakar and pretty hard from what i've heard.:cool:
Bike Numbers

Yeah i know some of the bikes aren't what they are printed as but that has some thing to do with the program, but they are a great crew and as bike riders all over we all enjoy the same thing getting on ya bike and having a :D great time in the process
Alright Bazzer, hows it going? I did try talking Tiger in to buying an old stock new 06 EC300, that was in stock over East. But he ended up with another WR250. I reckon there would be a few more EC300 riders if they could just bring themselves to ride one and try it. That one of mine is ace for Metros and nth Bannister and even made a decent fist of a Lano-Wedge run, with the time trial thrown in. Saying that, i went 10 secs faster on the 450EXC!!!