Tim Coleman Course


Super Moderator
Invested a few bucks in a Tim Coleman course while he was up this way. Like most things, the less you know before you start the more opportunity you have to learn, but even if you just take away one or two good points from the day it's well worth it.

Tim and Chris are really easy to get along with both during the drills and while sitting around having a yarn. I didn't feel like there was any pressure to do anything. Tim would say we're going to try this technique, demonstrate it, and then leave you to have a crack at your own pace in your own time. Everything started simple and progressed building off the skillset and increasing in difficulty. A few times he'd point out good technique and when consistent would suggest having a crack at something a bit bigger or more challenging. Other times we'd be asking if it's ok to have a crack at something else. No issues.

We went with a small group of riders all similar skill and as such the day was pretty fast paced, with little to no wait time between hitting up obstacles, which I thought was ace. Allowed you to really get the techniques dialled in..

Would have been great to have some challenging terrain to work with, but in saying that the host (private property) was bloody generous to put his place up for the multiple days of courses so big shout out to them!

Little bit of video up on the old FB. https://www.facebook.com/tctrickz/vi...3865197712825/