Too Much Light !!!


New member
I bought a Viosport AdventureCam III with an Archos AV 500, 30GB DVR.

I was ready to take videos of my rides and shoew them to my sweetie who doesnt ride.

It shoots great video indoors where everything is lit artificialy, or just plain dimly lit. The trouble is that in outdoor sunlight, the screen goes white. I bought some Neutral Density Filters, thinking that would help, but to no avail. I even added the NDF's together and still could not get it dim enough to take outdoor video.

I called the Tech Support dept. at Viosport, and they told me to adjust the video parameters in the DVR. None of the adjustments I made had any impact on how the video looked.

I finaly returned it for repair or adjustment.

I hope they get it right.