Trip/Ride Report - China Hat (from May)


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It's amazing how fast time starts to rip by; crazy busy at work and just as busy at home has meant less time to sit down and get any type of coherent report drafted. I knew I had to get this one going as there's another one waiting in the wings; not to mention that trying to remember something that happened a couple months ago is a stretch at

On short notice several days before Memorial Day, one of the usual suspects threw out an invite to hit China Hat for a couple days of riding whilst staying at a vacation property in Sun River. I hadn't had a chance to rip around the desert yet this year, so I got a hall pass for a couple days and JP and I bombed over the Cascades.



We hooked up with the nutballs and decided to head to staging rather than hit base camp first. Since it was Memorial Day weekend and the assumption it was going to be packed, we hoofed it down to the southern ice cave staging area and rode out of there. While it was busy and we found multiple riders out and about, I don't think it was as crowded as it probably was at the north end of the area; and all the fun riding is to the south anyway (lol).

I don't remember all the trails we hit the first day, but think we knocked out 50ish miles. Not a lot for that neck of the woods, but pretty darn good given we'd left the valley earlier that morning and didn't get started riding until close to noon.

One of the groups we did run into (not literally) was a group of folks who put on a rather interesting poker run. I'm not sure of the story behind the various check points, but it definitely added some color to our ride as we made our way past ' Luckily, we were heading the same general direction as the poker run and didn't have any 2-way issues; and chose to bypass one section to get ahead of all their dust.





One of the trails I do remember doing, at the end nonetheless, was the rock garden that is trail 38. I like this trail, but holy hell it can be challenging - especially at the end of the ride. We finished the ride without any issues, loaded up, then bombed back to civilization for some grub and one of the best parts of the day - soaking in a hot tub. I usually like to camp and be outdoors for weekends like this, but have to admit that a few whiskies while kicking back in a hot tub is a great way to cap off a day of riding.





The next morning came too early, likely caused by the whisky previously mentioned. JP took the onus of making breakfast and afterward we jumped in the rigs and headed back to the south ice cave staging area. We planned a different loop this time, hitting a few of the same trails as the day before, but adding a great variety that made the day way enjoyable.

I think we were closer to 60 miles for the second day, which again was a good chunk as JP and I had to head back over the hills once the ride was done. Although it was dusty as heck, the ride flowed perfectly for the 2nd day and we made good time the entire ride. That said, we did decide to head up to the lookout tower for a bite to eat and break and holy carp it was packed with riders. I don't think I've ever passed so many peeps going one way or the other. It was a great day to be up there though, the views were incredible and the lookout tower was open as a forest service peep was keeping fire watch.







We slowly wound our way back to staging and finished the ride without seeing too many other riders. It was a great day of riding, lots of fast, flowing trails that were completely enjoyable. Made it back to staging without issue, just hot and dusty, so we loaded up and started the long slog back over the mountains.




Yes, he's back:D

Great report as always Brad. Love it.

China Hat is so fun and so unique. Hoping to take my sons over for a trip this summer.

You headed up to GP anytime soon?

Also, you try any of the new hybrid tires? Just picked up the Equilibrium today.
That is the Hot Shoe group. There usually is 100 or so if them every Memorial day. They have been getting together since the 70's I think. Some pretty funny poker checks they put on. One of the best from the past was a fake forest service check point. Had a few riders stopping and turning around on the trails.

38 that is one of the best trails out there. So much fun.

Next time your over let me know.
You headed up to GP anytime soon?

Also, you try any of the new hybrid tires? Just picked up the Equilibrium today.

Hey Russ -

That's ironic timing, I'm heading up to the Giff next Wednesday; my buddy's flying in from WI and there's a small group of us camping at Council Lake Wed-Sun. After looking at some of the pics on the forest service site, I'm a bit worried about what the trails are going to be like given all the flood damage on the roads, but we'll see. If you get a wild hair, we'll be at Council Lake in one of the bigger sites.

And possibly more ironic, I just ordered another Kenda equilibrium to put on my wife's GG200 that my buddy Jim will be riding. I've been running it on my bike and it's frickin' awesome. Not the best tire for ripping around the desert, but it's outstanding in Tillamook - couldn't believe how easy it was going up and over stuff. Definitely a great tire for the coastal woods, I'll be sticking with it.
Oh, and in case you have a whole ton of time on your hands and feel like watching some video, here's a bunch of it. Some of my favorite stuff is the trail 38 bits and the trail 30 pieces; totally different - 38 is rocky and technical; 30 is fast and flowing, but both are fun.

Trail 40

Trail 80

Trail 85

Trail 70

Trail 70/80

Trail 50

Trail 38

Trail 30

Trail 94
Hey Russ -

That's ironic timing, I'm heading up to the Giff next Wednesday; my buddy's flying in from WI and there's a small group of us camping at Council Lake Wed-Sun. After looking at some of the pics on the forest service site, I'm a bit worried about what the trails are going to be like given all the flood damage on the roads, but we'll see. If you get a wild hair, we'll be at Council Lake in one of the bigger sites.

And possibly more ironic, I just ordered another Kenda equilibrium to put on my wife's GG200 that my buddy Jim will be riding. I've been running it on my bike and it's frickin' awesome. Not the best tire for ripping around the desert, but it's outstanding in Tillamook - couldn't believe how easy it was going up and over stuff. Definitely a great tire for the coastal woods, I'll be sticking with it.

That's so funny Brad!

I'm working extra shifts next week unfortunately, so probably no Gifford for me, but have fun and look forward to a report especially with all of the winter damage. Planning in trying to hit Blue Lake area again in August if we can get to everything.

That's great news on the Equilibrium. I'm excited to try it out.