Triple Clamps clearance- Does this looks right?! PIX INSIDE


New member
Can anyone take a look at their bike at the steering stem where the buttom clamp is near the frame...... do you see this same picture as below?



Notice this black oring sticking out- well I can spin it with my fingers, so I dont know how much good its there =\ :confused:

Is this my bike only or they are all like that?

It's the o-ring that keeps grease in and dirt out from your bottom headset bearing.
You might want to check that your headset nut and top steering nut is not loose. And that you don't have any play in your headset.
It's a good idea to R&R your headset bearings each season.
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It's the o-ring that keeps grease in and dirt out from your bottom headset bearing.
You might want to check that your top steering nut is not loose. And that you don't have any play in your headset.
It's a good idea to R&R your headset bearings each season.

Thats exactly what I did. I regreased everything and when I put it back together, this is how it looks like. No matter how tight I make the top nut, it wont make the oring any closer to the frame (it will though make it impossible to turn the bars.

My question/request is: can someone look at THEIR bike and tell me if it looks the same and/or can they spin that O-ring by hand?!
Did you tighten the headset nut or top nut? The nut under the triple clamp is the one to tighten. The o-ring shouldn't be super squished/tight, but mine doesn't spin easily by hand.
Thanks alot! That what i was looking for just simple answear. But anyways everybody thanks for helping me out.. cheers
It looks normal, the o-ring is not that tight of a fit, just enough to seal. When the bearings are packed good and there is a lot of grease in the head tube, some may even work past the o-ring.