vforce 4 reeds on 2012 gasgas


New member
I i just bought a complete set of vforce reeds to my 2012 ec 300..
It says it will fit 05-15 year on motocrosscenter but it doesent fit at all ?????
I dont know how fix pictures. but if you google you will see that vforce 4 has
some extra plastic cover above the reeds.. I tried to switch the inserts. It was fitted almost.
I managed to fit vf4 reeds into my 2010 but I had to open up the aluminum spacer (between the cylinder and the vf4 unit) a bit with a dremmel to get it to fit
Aha oki i dont think there is any spacer on my gasgas orginal? beacuse it to tight to fit the carbuterator any whay. But i switched the insert. I will go for a test drive tomorrow.