WANTED: Rocker arm supports


New member
Managed to break one and bend the other when I cased a double badly. Looking for both the left and right rocker arm supports off a 2005 or newer GasGas 200, 250 or 300 (I think it was 2005 when they got the larger swingarm pivot). Let me know if anyone has a bike they're parting out, or has spares of these pieces for some reason. So far no dealers/importers have them in stock so it's a 4-6 week wait to get them from europe unless I pay a fortune for air mail.


I checked the parts lists and the same #BC250014008 back to at least '03... if you can trust the parts lists...:rolleyes:

Might help find a part-out bike.
Not the pull rods. The aluminum brackets that go from the frame up to the swingarm pivot, tying in the linkage block.

Right Rocker Arm Support - P/N BE250314006
Left Rocker Arm Support - P/N BE250314007

I was going to use the ones off my 2001 EC200, but they don't fit. I'm guessing it changed when they changed the frame in 2005.
Pretty sure Ross is correct, my '03 had the larger dia. pivot vs. my '00. I don't think linkage geometry was ever changed. Double check the swingarm pivot shaft part #s too.

They don't look too tough to draw up quick and have made if you have no other choice.
This is a long shot but when we were at Odessa one of the mechanics from Skagit Power Sports (link on the GGRC main page) told me they still had a bunch of old stock and misc parts from 1 or 2 sponsored riders from years ago. He had a '01 EC250 he was selling that appeared new and said he had peiced it together from all the stuff they had. He said to call if I ever needed anything but I'm not a big fan of theirs. Good luck.