Whangamata ride report


Silver Level Site Supporter
Hi All,
We went up to the Whangamata St Johns trail ride today.The rain threat never eventuated & it turned out nice.After a very late start(reference for DM,drinking + no sleep + trail ride=really long day),& several V stops,we pulled in to a huge easy parking area.Cars with trailers no problem.
Signed in & scoffed a lamb & gravy roll,breakfast of champions!Excellent food on offer through the day & cold drinks.Into the first lap with tales of Coromandel clay in the back of my head,whats the big deal I'v ridden clay track before?Couple of muddy swamp crossings & some nice hill climbs gave way to some of the best views ever,looking out from Whiritoa hills out to sea,awesome.Down some nice chopped up hills,across a rocky stream crossing & hello,some bright orange dirt track?Coro clay,the rumours are true,this stuff is slippery.Then when you think you can relax in the sanctuary of the pine forest,it's rootsville!Just as slippery but round & a different colour,nice.Lap 1 done with the gasser looking good,DM on the 300 KTM pumpkin gave the radiator braces a working out,but all was intact.Which was more than I can say for DM as the lack of sleep & Red wine leaking out of him was taking it's toll.I have spent too many rides eating his dust to not take advantage of this & kick him while he is down.The track had dried out a bit by now & was a load of fun.
Conclusion-Great views,excellent food,tracks for all including the 4 wheel thingies,bits of technical to keep it interesting,coro clay sucks & a long drop toilet with a box of latex gloves,kinky.
sounds like it was an awesome day
we went to the kawasaki sandpit at woodhill on sunday, cool place, the sand was really compact from all the rain we've had lately.
i really dont like wet clay, if you've ever been to thundercross vally bike park, its hell when its wet, cool in the dry tho

Oh yeah the whanga ride was good for this time of year.The slipery bridge and rocky hill just needed plenty of momentum and no backing off to conquer.Just another typical coromandle track,brillant.Did 4 laps and went home to cold beers and barby.Great day had by all.
Kuratau here we come.
Yeah ,the bridge was a lesson in commitment.Is Kuratau south of Taupo?Never been on that ride.How do you rate it?
kuratau is on the sw side of lake taupo, off sh41, near turangi

thuderpark, no lamb and gravy rolls im afraid, lots of gravy like mud tho and slippery clay, in fact sounds like thats what the coromandals like in the winter

dunno if either of you use this site http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=26
but its our off road forum, with a road bike forum attatched
Kuratau would be one of the best rides in the North Island. Plenty of serious AA options.
Saturday loop is about 40 or 50km and Sunday loop is about 80km (from memory).
Good camping on site (free) but does get a bit cold. Hot pools down the road at the Hotel. Hotel room is about $120 and should sleep 4 (free hot pool) and big breakkie (extra).
June 20/21
Thanks for the link,haven't used that site before.
Kim-Thanks for the Kuratau info,sounds like a must ride!Don't know about the tent,Tussock Buster was cold enough.
As a side note,the dam buster at Tussock I clocked at 87km.I limped home on reserve with 20mm of fuel left over the fuel tap.How many km's do you guys get?Track dependent of course.
Your right,a tent is definatly not the go.With near freeze temps and sometime consistant rain,it;s not a place to be.
The guys and I usually get between 70-80ks on a tank and reglary run on the reserve to get home.
Tenting is fine as long as you sling a large tarp between 2 cars to sit under and take your winter woolies. :D
A table and deck chairs are a must.
Last we cruised around, watched a bit of footie in someones bus, had few beers with the some other dudes and generally had a good time. Cold and wet tho.
It amazing the tips you pick up after a few beers :D :D

Also you don't have to do any driving then !
Definate bonus to jump off the bike , crack a beer & just leave it there.
tussock buster was good like that, just park the bike up, have a feed, then have some drinks with your mates and talk about shit till it was too cold to be outside anymore :D :D