What is it with Jetting - 2004 EC300


New member
I have a stock EC300 with a LTR jetting kit, I am using a #7 slide, 178 main, 45 slow, clip in 2nd position. Some days the bike runs good, some days the bike seems like it will not clear out until mid to WOT. The idle is all over the place, sometimes too fast, other times it will not idle- all this with out adjusting anything. Is this typical of Gasgas bikes? Seems like the cooler the weather, the better the bike runs. Also, I am at about 400+ sea level. I would appreciate any suggestions.
First, I would suggest going down on the pilot. Try a 42. You may need a 40 for real hot weather.

If that does not give you what you are looking for and you don't want to hassle with jetting, send your carb to RB Designs for his carb mod.
Ron at RB-Designs has a carb mod and a carb fix. The fix is to replace the worn nozzle. This is the orifice that the needle fits into.

Ron guesses that the excessive wear that some bikes see in this area is due to the use of the boyeson rad valve and it's associated short carb insulator (the rubber piece is short and doesn't isolate the vibrations from the reed valve and motor from the carb itself).

If your bike has a bit of time on it - a worn nozzle might be contributing to your problems. If you send your carb to Ron you can have him replace the nozzle along with his other mods... (by the way, he is the only one who can replace the nozzle for you as Keihin doesn't sell this as a replacement part - he makes them up himself).

FYI, the '06+ bikes with the VForce have the same length manifold, same rubber coupler. The manifold looks like a copy of the RAD valve with the cage milled off, so the same theory would apply hear as well.
I've had similar issues with an 05 EC300 currently running at around 800ft and 70F, although I haven't had problems with the idle.

I was running the LT needle, 178 main and 45 pilot with a #7 slide and had the same issues of sometimes running ok, sometimes not.

I agree with Eric K that a 42 pilot might help, it made a difference to my bike.

After an awful lot of jetting work and experimentation, I've settled on an N1EG needle (leaner than the LT needle) on the 2nd clip, 175 main and 42 pilot at 2 and 1/2 turns out. This set up ain't absolutely perfect, but it's the best I've had my bike running to date.

Lots of people have suggested trying a #8 slide to clean things up but I haven't tryed it myself.
Keep in mind the gas we're getting these days is from all
different refinerys and varies in oxigination content from
summer to winter.
Half "race gas" from Sunoco or others mixed with hi-test
from Shell or Mobile will help deal with the inconsistency
and makes my bike run crisper.
Prior to the head work on my bike, I ran a

42 pilot
LTR needle
175 - 178 main
#8 slide

The #8 slide really made the bike work well when pulling onto the pipe. It was more crisp and made hopping trail junk easier. Then traded my stock head for a a RB modified head. I had to tame the power a little.

I am currently running a 42 pilot, 178 main, LTR needle and #7 slide and dropped a tooth on the rear sprocket. I'm happy with the bike at this point, but I still want to try some different needles to see how the power is affected.

Mike Baxter
If you want smoooth power try the CCK needle in clip #3 MJ178 PJ42-45
as recommended by Pobit, it works great on my 04 DE300 with RB head mod.
Prior to this set-up I had the LTR kit.

CCK :)
Thanks, I have the CCK on order at my local parts shop. I really tuned my riding style to my old 2000 XC/EC300. It has a hit, but it has so much smooth low-end grunt that it makes short shifting possible in the nasty stuff and gives ample warning when the HP is about to be unleashed. I'm just trying to make the '05 run the same and I'm very close.