What Knee Brace ??

Gas Stu

New member
Anyone have any suggestions on knee braces, I currently use the EVS vision but still managed to rotate my knee out. Ive been told the EVS web and Asterisk are good, which one should I go for? My knees are really bad and pop out just stepping my foot down in a corner so I need the best but with a budget
I got the Asterix for both knees. Bloody expensive, also very good. However I found that with very rigid boots, like the Tech 8, I get cramps very easy due to the legs basically being locked in the same position with little to no movement sideway and the same muscles get to do all the work. However with less rigid boots there is no issue.
Also the Asterix is quite tall and sits high on the upper leg and offer some protection when your legs hits the handle bars in a Handlebar Harry Style.

Borrow one from somebody for a day to try and make up your mind if its worth the investment. Make sure your adjust it correctly for your leg, tho.
I can't imagine that any brace can prevent a rotating movement by the knee induced by rotating the foot out. The brace is attached only by means of velcro fasteners to flesh and skin. It can certainly prevent some overstretching of the knee, as well as lateral impacts to the side, but rotation - no way.

Try grabbing with your hands above your knee where a brace would sit and try turning your hands around your legs. All tissue on the bone move and flex.

The only way a brace could prevent rotation is if it would be bolted to the bones.

A brace can of course stabilize an already damaged knee.


The Asterisk brace has a strap that attaches the bottom of the brace to the boot, thereby greatly limiting rotation. You will never stop it completely, but the Asterisk is probably the most "comprehensive" brace
I had EVS Webs last year and now I have CTi custom braces and they are the best. My insurance covered it so it didn't cost me anything.
Thanks all, Im sure the braces wont stop rotation completely but I want to give my knees the best possible chance, I have strentghend them at gym an want the best brace for the job. Ive been told to stop riding by a specialist but that aint an option, I live to ride.Thanks guys, looks like its gonna be the Asterisk.......cheers
Knee Braces

Sorry I did'nt see this post earlier (work gets in the way) I stopped ridding in 1976 after 3 knee surgeries. Started back in 2000 and I would ride without my helmet before I would ride without my CTI2 knee braces !!!!!. They are great!! The best!! I now have a fake knee and still ride with the CTI2 knee braces. They have saved my Knee's tons of times. without them I would'nt ride. Also the insurance paying for most of them is a real bonus!!!! Look into them and your knees will thank you Tom
Thanks Tom...I tried out both(asterisk and EVS web) and went for the Asterisk and i am way Impressed. They give good support and are really comfortable, As I said im on budget and insurance would not cover them so the Cti's were a bit costly, but as I said the asterisk's are great....cheers
Knee Braces

I am a beginner, but also very interested in propper knee braces (my knees are always hurting =/). Last year I talked to a good friend about this and he had apparantly sustained an injury the previous year wearing brand new custom fit CTI knee braces. It was a low speed injury that the braces should have prevented, but they didnt. The brace was damaged and CTI wouldnt even replace it (much less help with the medical bills...) The CTI stuff looks very high quality to me, but honestly if something like that could happen I think I will be fine with a set of Asterisks... Dont think insurance will help with those though.
I wore a pair of Asterix braces for years. I rebuilt them a number of times. I stopped wearing them after reading that knee braces don't do much to prevent injury.

Last summer I was not wearing knee braces and twisted my knee badly when riding.

Then I became motivated to wear knee braces again.

I pulled out my well used Asterix braces which were still structurally sound. I put them on with my boots and put my foot in the same twisting motion that injured my knee. The Asterix braces did very little to prevent the twisting motion that hurt my knee.

Not satisfied, I purchased the EVS Web knee brace and did a back to back compare while twisting my foot just like I injured it. The EVS Web was far superior to the Asterix at preventing the twisting motion as felt by my tender knee. With the Asterix I could feel significant pain due to the twisting. With the EVS Web there was very little twisting of the knee and very little pain.

Later when my knee was improved, but still not full strength, I twisted it twice while riding in a very similar manner to how I originally hurt it. The braces prevented twisting and pain. I am big fan of the EVS Web knee braces.
CTi Off the Shelf Gets my Vote if you get a prescription

The fit and condition of the brace is likely more important than the brand, but like several others have said I would ride without my helmet before I rode without knee braces.

The Pod braces are supposed to be quite good, but I'm not sure they are $150 better than last year. Dirt Bike just rated the Asterisk their favorite, ahead of the CTi. I wore out a pair of Asterisks and was able to get a prescription for the "off-the-shelf" CTis, but I'm not sure they are worth the premium exacted (supposedly valued ~$2500, but that's because there was insurance involved).

Bottom line - find something that fits well, that you can afford, and wear it. You hit your feet on a lot more trail junk than your head.
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I had an ACL reconstruction surgery 20 years ago. The original injury happened 8 years before that. When I asked my surgeon about knee braces he told me that a plaster cast was the only real way to protect the ACL.

In spite of that I wear Asterisk's with the reasoning that even if they don't protect my knee from twisting (I have the old style without the boot strap) that they are worth wearing for the patella protection and to avoid hyper-extension. I have had them rebuilt once and they have marks all over them from things smashing into them that at the very least would not have felt good had I not been wearing them. I won't ride without them.
I have an Innovation Sports EDGE, which is an "off the shelf" version of the CTi. I'm lucky as it fits perfect and has served me well for years now. There is no doubt it limits some twisting. Enough to prevent injury? Hard to say, but it helps. Also, there is somewhat of a psychological advantage to wearing a brace on a questionable knee. I was skiing this week and forgot to pack mine, and I definately thought about my knee more which slowed me down a bit.
I have the CTi2 custom braces. I absoluetly love them. I got them before Aterisk even existed, and way before all the new brands (POD, etc..). Fortunately I didn't have to drop the $3000 that they price them at! I have them rebuilt every year, and they have "upgraded" them several times to incorporate their newest ideas. I do think the Asterisk is a lot of brace for the money. I think the POD is pretty impressive too.
RE Knee braces

The custom CTi2 helps prevent the knee from rotating and hyper extending. You can also get an optional ACL block that prevents translation of the Tibia (resulting in a torn ACL). Mine has saved me many times from re-injuring my reconsructed ACL's. The one piece construction spreads twisting force up into the quadriceps. It is important to adjust the brace to limit hyper-extension. The CTi2 is expensive, but worth the money. Also, learn how to ride without taking your feet off the pegs :) It's funny how I've taught myself how to keep my feet on the pegs even when way out of shape and almost crashing. IMHO it improves your balance and makes you a better rider in the long run.
The custom CTi2 helps prevent the knee from rotating and hyper extending. You can also get an optional ACL block that prevents translation of the Tibia (resulting in a torn ACL). Mine has saved me many times from re-injuring my reconsructed ACL's. The one piece construction spreads twisting force up into the quadriceps. It is important to adjust the brace to limit hyper-extension. The CTi2 is expensive, but worth the money. Also, learn how to ride without taking your feet off the pegs :) It's funny how I've taught myself how to keep my feet on the pegs even when way out of shape and almost crashing. IMHO it improves your balance and makes you a better rider in the long run.

I'll agree with that. Stand up, keep feet on pegs. It's a mantra to recite whilst riding.
EVS Webs

I have EVS webs, really big but good protection. I have a hard time finding gear that fits though.. Anybody else wear webs with this problem?