When will parts start becoming available


New member
Have a couple of bits and bobs needed for my 2013 EC300, and my dealer says they are still waiting for the factory.

Does anyone have a time line of when parts will start becoming available again.
Need some parts also ...

I hope someone has the answer to your question. I

I'm in Ottawa, Canada and just picked up a 2013 XC300R. I've called 2 dealers who used to sell GasGas and I cant' get a call back with pricing and delivery for some simple things like shifters and a throttle cable. I'd prefer to buy in Canada if possible as shipping charges are sometime a killer on smaller items

I'm sure it will get sorted out and I have confidence that Gas Gas is just making sure to align themselves with the best dealer network possible.

Guys, Once Mark Berg returns to the office, I am sure he will respond. For now it seems that getting a shifter and throttle cable from a dealer shouldn't be an issue.
I hope someone has the answer to your question. I

I'm in Ottawa, Canada and just picked up a 2013 XC300R. I've called 2 dealers who used to sell GasGas and I cant' get a call back with pricing and delivery for some simple things like shifters and a throttle cable. I'd prefer to buy in Canada if possible as shipping charges are sometime a killer on smaller items

I'm sure it will get sorted out and I have confidence that Gas Gas is just making sure to align themselves with the best dealer network possible.


I just bought a Emgo shifter for my 2014 and it fit perfectly. In case you're in a crunch for a shifter. Mine was actually crunched. lol You can get a Motion Pro throttle cable and they are much nicer than the OEM one. I would imagine any brand dealer in Canada could get those.


I hope someone has the answer to your question. I

I'm in Ottawa, Canada and just picked up a 2013 XC300R. I've called 2 dealers who used to sell GasGas and I cant' get a call back with pricing and delivery for some simple things like shifters and a throttle cable. I'd prefer to buy in Canada if possible as shipping charges are sometime a killer on smaller items

I'm sure it will get sorted out and I have confidence that Gas Gas is just making sure to align themselves with the best dealer network possible.


No luck with Lang's Off-Road in London? I bought a TMV shifter and a BRP chain guide from them. I recall shipping was $12.
What kind of parts are you looking for. Some one might be able to help you.

But guys come on don't complain about minor things. Like a throttle cable
Or a bearing you can get those any day from ebay or your love cal shop.
I hope someone has the answer to your question. I

I'm in Ottawa, Canada and just picked up a 2013 XC300R. I've called 2 dealers who used to sell GasGas and I cant' get a call back with pricing and delivery for some simple things like shifters and a throttle cable. I'd prefer to buy in Canada if possible as shipping charges are sometime a killer on smaller items

I'm sure it will get sorted out and I have confidence that Gas Gas is just making sure to align themselves with the best dealer network possible.


+1 on the motion pro cable. Excellent cable!
Gas Gas parts

Hello Gas Gas Riders,

We are down here in Pottsville, Pa. We have shifter's in stock. Also cables, brakes, air filters....all the moving and breakable items. What ever you guys need we can take care of it for you. Just call and ask for Brad or myself BUDD.

Matto Cycle
So no response to HELP :confused: this is really old actually its BS GG parts are not hard to find you just have to LOOK.
I hope someone has the answer to your question. I

I'm in Ottawa, Canada and just picked up a 2013 XC300R. I've called 2 dealers who used to sell GasGas and I cant' get a call back with pricing and delivery for some simple things like shifters and a throttle cable. I'd prefer to buy in Canada if possible as shipping charges are sometime a killer on smaller items

I'm sure it will get sorted out and I have confidence that Gas Gas is just making sure to align themselves with the best dealer network possible.


Try Rob Lang in London, ON. He has an excellent supply of GG parts. (519)601-7623 or roblang@rogers.com

I guarantee he has your stuff in stock.
Thanks for all the info everyone.

I wasn't actually looking for OEM parts - Motion Pro cables would be fine and that what I use (and have used) on all my other bikes.

I'll also be fine with the Emgo, or TMV or whatever, shifter. I call back to Langs and see if they can help me out.

This bike is going to be a TON of fun!
parts availability

The rebuilding of parts is taking some time for sure, but it is starting to get better. The factory plan was to start filling their trials shelves back up in April with the enduro parts in May with the immediate product to support the newer model bikes (12-17). This summer then, restock the shelves for all product needed to take care of the older models, including at this stage, older 4 stroke product BUT NOT the quads/atv's any more. Whatever they have on their shelves for the atv's is all there will be moving forward.
Thanks for the update Mark.

In re-reading my initial post it sounded like I was whining! Sorry about that folks because that was not the case at all!

I spoke to Rob at Langs and, in addition to being extremely helpful, he's sending the parts I want.

Now... as soon as the snow and ice are gone form the local trails I can get out and ride.
Thanks for the update Mark.

In re-reading my initial post it sounded like I was whining! Sorry about that folks because that was not the case at all!

I spoke to Rob at Langs and, in addition to being extremely helpful, he's sending the parts I want.

Now... as soon as the snow and ice are gone form the local trails I can get out and ride.

I didn't think you were whining at all, just asking a legitimate question.

Good news on the parts. Enjoy the bike.