Wieltronics CDI


anyone had any dealings with a CDI from wieltronics?
ive put one of these in my 04 EC300. Power up top is amazing but down low its either starving or too lean. Its like it doesnt fire every revolution but still plenty of power there. also this CDI has made a condition as though the throttle is stuck wide open, it has happened 2 times now and is scary as when it happens. 1st time i replaced to original CDI went for a 2 hour ride and no issues put the new weitronics CDI in and 10 mins into ride its basically reving its date off and had to stall to stop it. is it possible that this CDI needs to run richer?

i have timed the bike with a light so that it is about 2 degrees advanced. ive put a new stator on as well since old 1 failed. no timing marks on the new 1 and also had to file the crap out of it to get it to be able to move to the 2degrees advanced position, was hitting the case, best i could get was TDC without filing it. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/KTM-EXC...vip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m43663.l10137
PJ 38
MJ 178
needle N1EG 3rd clip
AS 2.5 turns
complete new top end including S3 barrel and high comp head(Black insert),piston, rings and reeds. added gaskets for the ex port to be level with top of piston at BDC. bike absolutley hammers with this new CDI from about 1/4 to 1/2 throttle onwards just up till quarter is just like its not firing correct. not sure where to turn. as i really like the power of this new CDI but if i cant fix the revving issue ill have to leave the old 1 in. old 1 just wont pick the front wheel up but new 1 does with ease
No, I haven't had any dealings with that CDI, however I'm interested to try and understand what's going on.

Is it possible your original CDI/stator was giving a weak spark at low rpm, your idle circuit looks to be jetted pretty lean at 38 pilot 2.5 turns out. Maybe you've had to lean it out as it could not fire with a richer/wetter mixture?

Then when you fit the replacement CDI possibly it's giving a better spark at low rpm.

I assume the engine running away, revving high is happening with the throttle closed? So this could point to a lean pilot circuit.

With the new CDI fitted, what happens if you try the air screw in further (richer) try it at 1.5 turns out. You could also try a 40 pilot to see if it solves the high revving/running away idle.

What about carb float height and operation of the float needle, have you checked these?

To be honest, personally I would prefer to stick with the original GasGas CDI unit and stator, we know these work well as long as they're not faulty!
"I assume the engine running away, revving high is happening with the throttle closed? So this could point to a lean pilot circuit." if the runaway hapened everytime the bike was started id say yer cool i can aggree that it could be too lean on the pilot but as i said its only happened twice. i rode the other day for half an hour thru the bush with no ill effects with the new CDI installed. i tried a 40 pilot and that was the 2nd time it ran away on me. float could be a touch high i guess but other than that everything is fine
wondering if the rubber between carby and reed block could be leaking, but then why i can ride for 2 hrs on old cdi without misshap . i hate gremlins lol. thx for reply, does give me more to think about.

edit i have no choice with stator as the original is failed
The engine revving it's nuts off with the throttle closed, I can't see the ignition timing causing that, I would be looking at a lean mixture problem, so carb setup, float, jetting, fuel starvation or as you suggested, sucking air in due to a leak.

I have no choice with stator as the original is failed

When I said I'd prefer to stick with the original GasGas CDI and stator, I mean't replace the faulty items with new genuine GasGas parts as oppossed to aftermarket parts.

Best of luck, Dave.
Yer got ya with original parts although being an 04 model genuine parts aren?t readily available. Bit funny how the lean condition does not happen with original cdi
Put a 40pj in yesterday got it to idle and went for a ride it?s puss down low still so went back to the original cdi, and is still off up till about half throttle. Still not as a much power as new cdi though. I guess I?ll just put up with it being more sedate which is actually better for the techy stuff anyway.