WoooHooo! I'm Getting a Wudi. (Wudi11 Ride)

Jim Cook

Platinum Level Site Supporter
It's almost that time again.
The (long) weekend of February 27, 29, and March 1 is the planned dates for the 2009 (11th) offering of the Wudsracer's Winter Fun Ride; (Wudi11.)

The location will be near Combs, AR. Here is the Mapquest.com link: http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Combs++&state=AR
You can zoom it in or out to gain perspectives.
The Razorback Riders have graciously volunteered to be our host for this year's Wudi Ride at their campground, some three miles south of Combs between the Mill Creek Rd (CR 2) and "the mountain" (White Rock Mountain).
The "Aerial view" will show you the pasture where we will be camping.

Unlike the last couple of Wudi rides, there will be plenty of room for us to all stay in the same camping area, and the road will be great, even if you are in a large Motorhome or pulling a 5th wheel RV.

The Razorback Riders have invited us to their home riding area, even though the Wudi11 will be just three weeks in advance of their enduro. (BJEC White Rock Mountain Enduro) So, not only will we get to ride a bunch of the enduro course, but they will also furnish us with trail guides, and show us a lot of the stuff that the average visitor to the Mill Creek Trail System will never see. :)
The trail starts from their property, and climbs right up the mountain to join with the whole trail network.

While there will be some seriously technical trails available, much of the trails on White Rock Mountain are faster and a good bit easier than those at Brock Creek, site of the last two Wudi Rides.
Since the leaves will not yet be on the trees at the time of the ride, the views from the high ridges will be spectacular.

Even though it is very mountainous terrain, we will not exceed 3,000 feet in elevation; so rejetting will not be necessary for "lowlanders" like myself. The bikes will have full power, and lots of oxygen in the air.

To offset the cost of the porta-potties, & to help the Razorback Riders with their land expenses, there will be a $25 per person "camping and access" fee for those attending the ride.
There will also be several RV parking spots available, complete with electricity and water hook-ups. The fee for these special RV sites will be $30 for the weekend. (They have a dump station on site.)

John Brunsgaard will soon have the Wudi11 Ride web site up and running. As soon as he gives me the word, I will post the url here. This will allow those who so desire to be added to the mailing list.

You are all invited to come join us for the fun. We ride the year around down here in Arkansas.

Jim Cook
I'll be there.

Hey Jim, it was good seeing you this past Sunday. Sorry we got sepearted. I didn't realize you weren't w/ us until I looked around for you and you weren't there. Let me know the next time you're there. I would love to ride there w/ you. You know that place better than anyone.
I'll be there.

Hey Jim, it was good seeing you this past Sunday. Sorry we got separated. I didn't realize you weren't w/ us until I looked around for you and you weren't there. Let me know the next time you're there. I would love to ride there w/ you. You know that place better than anyone.

Hi Tim,
Jon (RahRah) and I stay in close contact, and I usually let him know where I'm riding; so make him keep you informed.
(I've been trying to get him to go down to Breezy Hills and ride those delicious trails with me. Egg him on a bit for me.)

I'm sorry about losing you all last Saturday. With my still gimpy knee, I just wasn't comfortable riding at the speeds (on that terrain) that your group was obviously wanting to go. The "hop-scotching trail guide" strategy seemed to be a good one, and everything was going all right, until ya'll took that right turn off the intended trail, and ended up back at the base of Big Nasty ridge. I should have emphasized to all of you to follow the narrow yellow ribbons as you went along.

It was almost humorous. I was standing on the road at the west end of the clearcut, where the trail section you were on came out; smoking a cigarette and listening to ya'll approach. Then, just before you came into sight, I heard ya'll take a right turn off that trail and up the mountain. It left me standing there with my mouth open and a surprised look on my face. :eek:
I just waited and waited. :) Later, Ken Powell and his buddy came by where I was, and through him, I figured out pretty much where all ya'll had traveled. (I sure could have saved you from some mud riding and creek crossings.) From Jon's description as to where to locate you all, I did see where you had been, and was able to figure where you were going; but by that time it was getting too late.

You ended up riding much of what I was planning on guiding you through, albeit from a slightly different approach.
After cominig down off the "autobahn", did you go through the "High Ridge" to the east, along the northern perimeter of the property? There is a bunch of new trail up there, and it is very primitive and narrow; with a bunch of it off-camber. It was part of my intended loop for ya'll. :)

It was a pleasure to meet you all, and I'm glad you had fun. You looked good on that DE300.

Let's do it again. I'll take better care of you, next time. Trust me. :D

Total Estimated Time: 35 hours 45 minutes
Total Estimated Distance: 2233.33 miles
Sounds like alot of fun, but I don't think I could pull it off in a weekend.
Total Estimated Time: 35 hours 45 minutes
Total Estimated Distance: 2233.33 miles
Sounds like alot of fun, but I don't think I could pull it off in a weekend.

You're not limited to a weekend. Plus, there are some surprising trails within a short driving distance of Combs. Lots of riding in north and west-central Arkansas.
Although the dates for this "unofficial nonevent" are Feb 27, 28. & March 1st, some riders come early, and some stay late. (And some do both. :) )
Many fill out a week's trip by riding Brock Creek or the hare scramble course down at Fort Smith while they are here.

Let's see.... It's only 2000 miles from here to where I ride in Idaho, where we ride. By swapping with another driver, I can make it in about 30 hours (or less, depending on "stopped time" during the trip). It really is do-able, just not in a weekend.

Good Riding!

Thanks Jim. I don't think we rode the section you are referring to. I have the Enduro course marked on my GPS, but didn't have it mounted on Sunday.

Just let me know where and when you want to meet and I'll be there.
Thanks for hosting another Wudi ride this year, us northern folks sure appeciate all the work you and JEB put into these rides!
I have never been to White Rock, but it sounds like a great place! :D
Bob in MN
Thanks for hosting another Wudi ride this year, us northern folks sure appeciate all the work you and JEB put into these rides!
I have never been to White Rock, but it sounds like a great place! :D
Bob in MN

It's you and those hard riders from up in Minnesota that this ride is all about. I'm glad you keep coming to ride with us.
It's been a while since we had the ride up at White Rock, and even then, it was only with this sort of access on the Wudi2.

I spoke with Jack this afternoon. He said it was 15F and snowing in the Twin Cities. I told him to be glad. It was partly cloudy here, and a terrible 65 degrees Fahrenheit. :D
I skipped riding last weekend for family stuff, but this weekend is roosting time again.

Good Riding,


Time to the Wudi11 Ride is getting shorter. (WooooHooooo!!!!)

In addition to the Wudi11 web page http://members.cox.net/jejb/Wudi11/wudi11.html ,
John Brunsgaard has put up a dedicated Wudi forum for us here:
(It's a free forum, so please forgive the advertisements.)

The weather up north has been "special" so far this winter.
We've had a few cold spells (for us), but the afternoons here for the last week have
been fluctuating from the high 40's to the low 70's (F).
The riding in Arkansas, so far this year, has been great!

See ya'll in a few weeks.

It was 75F here yesterday, and it's supposed to be the same today.

We have been riding almost every weekend this year, so far. It looks great for the Wudi Ride. Also, I paid extra for good weather for the last weekend of the month.

I'm getting really excited, as the time grows near.

One more thing, one "gnarly dude" has organized a 140 mile dual sport ride for those attending the Wudi. It will be a trail oriented dual sport ride, so don't bring any BMW GS dual sport bikes and expect to have it easy. Some details are in the Wudi Forum.

Good Riding!

75 deg!!!!! Does it ever get cold in AR. Was 35 in Id yesterday. May be time to consider a relocation!!
Latest Update/Wudi11

Jeb sent this to the Wudi11 mailing list Sunday night. I thought I would share it with you all. I pasted it just below this opening message.
(notice that Jeb is jonesing for some HoneyWeis beer.)
It looks like they have been working overtime to get the ice storm damage out of our way. Thanks jeb and the Razorback Riders! (our hosts)

My group is packed and ready, except for Deb still getting Saturday night's chicken gumbo ready. I just need to finish loading the pick-ups with all our vehicles and gear.
We leave tomorrow for White Rock Mountain (Combs, AR).

I hope to see all ya'll there.

Jim Cook


Wudi update 2/22/09
Sunday, February 22, 2009 8:10 PM

Hey all,

Man, I'm embarrassed. I'm pretty sore and tired, and it's just from working trail! I guess 5 weekends in a row of chainsaw work is pushing it a little? Or maybe I'm just getting old? But the Honey Weiss and Tanquery/tonic are helping. Speaking of which, anyone wanting to haul me down a 12 pack or case of Honey Weiss would be repaid in gratitude and greenbacks.

The trails are looking pretty good. Our 3 man crew alone went through 5 tanks of chainsaw gas again today. There is still more to do, but there will be for quite a while because of that ice storm. Most of the trails I intend to use are now ready to go. Thursday's riding, for whomever shows up early, may be a mix of fun riding and a little arrowing/working. We did not get a chance to cut out that big snag on the very south end of the main "Blue" loop, but there's a shortcut to get around that I need to arrow in. Lots of the fun single track is ready to go, along with the 6 miles of brand new trails. So should be fun for everyone.

Weather forecast has small chance of rain Thursday only at this point. The forecast had more rain it, but it keeps better everytime I look at it. A little rain would not hurt at all. Some of the more open ATV trails were putting up a little dust today, and the truck was putting up some dust coming into camp. Conditions are pretty premo, really, but a little rain would be just fine, too. Highs are suppose to be around 50, which is great riding weather.

Bring a little wood if you think of it. There's TONS of it laying around on the trails right now, but I ain't dragging that back to camp. So if everyone brings a little, we should have a nice fire or two every night. The club house has a nice double barrel wood burner, so maybe we'll all just hang in there.

The sites closest to Mill Creek are still not graveled, so those will be great for the tent folks wanting electric hookups.

If you have any questions at all, email me or post them to the forum. Again, I'll be there there about 5pm on Wednesday, so come say hi.

John - jeb
Sounds like a great chance to ride! The Welland canal is still 12" thick frozen here, and my Ice tires are almost done.

Is thie ride the same weekend every year?

I pass up the trip to indy and Daytona and head to AK for 2010.:)

Give lots of notice - it's a 20 hr drive.

Jim Cook, We still need to meet up and talk...Some day!

Jim Jervis
Welland, Ontario, Canada
Sounds like a great chance to ride! The Welland canal is still 12" thick frozen here, and my Ice tires are almost done.

Is thie ride the same weekend every year?

I pass up the trip to indy and Daytona and head to AK for 2010.:)

Give lots of notice - it's a 20 hr drive.

Jim Cook, We still need to meet up and talk...Some day!

Jim Jervis
Welland, Ontario, Canada

Hi Jim!
I regretted not getting to speak to you longer at the ISDT Reunion Ride. White Rock Mtn is only a couple of hours east of Tulsa. It would have been my pleasure. Next time, for sure.

We do it within a week, one way or the other, each year. This weekend seems to work out best, regarding local races and the regional enduro schedule. Look for the exact date to be set for next year's ride sometimes around Thanksgiving. Then, we will announce it here and on some of the other forums.

Come on down! (to AR, not AK. It's cold in AK. :) )

Thanks for another great Wudi ride & Deb's Gumbo was great also! :)
My 11 yr old son and his 12 yr old riding buddy had agreat time on their
85's. They made it up most of the BIG rocky hills and only needed a little help.
They will be ready to ride once the racing season starts up here in the Tundra. They thought it was cool riding in the snow, at least the ground wasn't frozen like in MN. Here told me he wants to come back again next year!
Thanks again!
Bob in MN
Tell Brandon Thanks for showing us around!
Thank you and your son for traveling down and joining us, Bob.
The weather turned cold on us, Saturday, but I sure had a great time.

Good Riding!

Wudi ride 2010

If the Wudi ride doesn't collide with the Indy Dealer show or some other major event, we'd like to try and bring some 2010's down for a demo ride. What is the projected dates?