WTB: Late Model EC200/250 - PNW

Bump :D

The 250 4T left the garage this weekend, so now the full press hunt is on ;)

Just waiting to hear about the 200 in CA, but if anyone else knows of another late model 200...please let me know :cool:
What about that 200 that Clay has for sale?

He posted something here a week or 2 ago.

That's in the back of my mind, but out of the budget range right now - have to sell a kidney or one of the boys to make up the difference :o Still an option and the pennies are being saved in case the 200 in CA falls through and there's nothing else to be found.
Bump - 200 in CA is being taken off the market, so I'm on the full court press again.

And now there's a bit more pressure since the orange bike sold and there's a big open space in the garage...LOL.

Well that's interesting :mad:

Owner said he was going to hold onto it until the '14s showed up; I asked him to let me know when he talked to Adrian @ Lewisport about the 14s as I have until mid-May or so to purchase and was keenly interested in his bike.

I've purchased and sold enough bikes through c-list to know how things go, though it irks me to have involved another GG forum member to look at this bike as well as all the back and forth.

Want to ship your '11 up here rover ;)