Yet another Power Valve/Govenor Assembly question


New member
Well, after countless hours on this forum researching, reading, watching the vids and chatting with members, i have decide to share with the the collective here on this great site.

I own a 2012 300 ec, and have had a few little issues that I have sorted out. The latest one however, has me stumped. I seem to have lost some top end power. My bike has only 40 or so hrs on it, and after MANY jetting changes, new rings, packing and carb/airbox testing, I decided to check the pv/govenor assembly for any ansers. This ite has been great for this topic btw, and all of the vids that folks have taken the time to post has been a super help.

My bike has always hit very hard in the bottom and mid problems there. And since that is the type of riding I enjoy most, it's been very fun. But I started to notice that my bike wasn't "opening up" like it should when hard on the gas, and on the pipe. So I had a few buddies try it out, thinking that maybe I was just getting "used to" my bike's power. But they said the same....that it seemed like it was only reaching about 80% of its top end.

So I opened up the primary and noticed a few things.

1. My govenor had no shims. Well, I guess this would explain my massive bottom end hit

2. The govenor assembly seems to "bind" a little bit when I press down on it manually. It seems to travel smoothly for about 1/2 of it's travel, causing the bell crank, actuator arm and actuator plate to effectively move smoothly too. But then at the 2nd 1/2 of it travel (while pushing down on it), it slightly "sticks" or binds and that effectievly binds the actuator plate to stop at what seems to be only about 80% of its travel towards the full open position at the stopper bolt in the RHS pv housing. Then, with a slightly stronger push down on the govenor, it travels to its bottom, and the actuator follows suit to it's stopper.

I checked, re-checked three checked all the linkage assembly for binding or any bolts that may be too tight, or anything else in that system that might cause the powervalve to not opn fully. I'm stumped...

When I detach the actuator arm from the plate, the plate moves 100% freely with no binding or snags around its axis. When the arms is attached and I have the pipe back on I can blip the throttle while the bike idles and the plate moves freely from the fully closed position to the fully open position with no problems, (actually, it moves VERY FAST). I have adjusted the freeplay out of the arm and actuator plate (as per GMP), so that the plate has slight preload on the stopped bolt, so all seems to be good there.

I have taken the govenor off several times and checked it over on the bench. I have reinstalled it using no shims, aswell as one shim (1.3mm), with no difference in the binding/sticky feel of the govenor (when I manually push down on it). The ball bearing are all in place and seem to be doing their job.

The only thing I have yet to try, is take out the actual powervalve assembly itself, and see if there's a problem with it. But because the actuator plate was moving freely on its own (in its own travel), i just assumed the pv mechanism was fine. And since I've never taken the pv out, even when I did the rings, (and I'm assuming the previous owner hadn't taken them out either), I would think that the pv has never needed to be set, or looked at at this point in it's early life.

So....after countless hours of seaching and wrenching, I am looking for some suggestions.

My bike has stock gearing 13/48
My jetting is
38 pilot
jd red clip #2
175 pilot
7 slide cut out on a 38 mm asII
sea level at 20-30 celcius
I have tried every Suzuki and Yammie needle, aswell as stock and a CCK). I might be alittle rich still on the main for this time of year

My plug is a nice golden tan.
Pipe and packing are good.
Carb and air filter are clean all the time. No toil oil on filter.
Float level is good
No debris in vacuum lines off carb(that I can see anyway)

The max top end my bike will presently do under these conditions is around 70 mph (120 kph)....I should think it is good for at least 90 (144 kph)....shouldn't it? Not that I care about top end speed. The bike just acts like it starving for more air.

My buddies new stock '13 Beta 300 RR walks away from mine when on the pipe in mid range, and top end as does another buddies "13 yz 250. I'm thinking this shouldn't happen:eek:

Sorry for, yet another, pv quandry, but like I said, i just couldn't find the answers........yet :D Thanks for any advise...
Did you try removing pv and looking for carbon where the pins go thru ? Bearings all clean? Definitely sounds like its binding somewhere near the pv itself.

Time to give the PV a proper service.
My 2011 had some casting marks where the rod slides thru that works the PV open and closed. Some file work and nice and smooth now. Also just helped a friend do the top end on his 2011 6-day and the pin that the PV hinges on was broke, that was not helping things move freely.
Amazing what a little carbon in the wrong place can do.
What oil are you running, some seem to cake up the PV faster than others.
By the description on engine characteristics it fits perfectly by it running in "Rain Mode". Does it make any difference which way the ignition curve switch is set?
I run Motul 800 for oil....50:1.

The map switch has been on "the fast" mode (sunny?) for quite a difference though, since my problems started when switching map settings.

Will have a look at the pv soon and hope I will see something broken or binding
Are you sure the ignition map switch is working properly, and that you have no problems with connectivity? An open circuit = rain mode.
I decided to take jug off and and have alook there to see if anything was wrong with gaskets blocking any pv passages etc. Good time to clean and have a good look at pv. Plus it was easier to take out pv this way and ensure i put it back together properly. Am soaling all parts in wd40 and 2t oil over night and will clean parts tomorrow.

I did notice that my inside rod was quite dirty w carbon as was the pv flapper we ll see.

I noticed that the base gasket was the black one...and is made of a harder substance...almost like a thin black steel. I have 3 base gaskets that came with my new rings....a green one...a very thin light brown one....and another thicker black one like i took out.

Which one of the 3 new ones do I use?
You use the gaskets you want depending on where you want to set the port timing. Any changes made to the base gasket stack will also directly impact the squish clearance and the compression ratio as well.

Use your verniers to measure their thickness. Likely you'll have a 0.5mm, 0.3mm and a 0.1mm. The 0.5mm is the back one thats also got the metal in it. If you like the power delivery as is I'd stick with it. If you want less comp and more top end time the ports so that the bottom of the exhaust port is flush with the top edge of the piston at bottom dead center. You may find you have a huge squish clearance though.. Going down to thinner gaskets will close the clearance, time ports for bottom end, and boost compression (favours bottom end), but may have an adverse effect if raising compression too far. Bike may ping on some fuels, and will fall flat on top.
I run Motul 800 for oil....50:1.

The map switch has been on "the fast" mode (sunny?) for quite a difference though, since my problems started when switching map settings.

Will have a look at the pv soon and hope I will see something broken or binding

Whoa there!
Your problems started when changing the ignition map?

And now it does not matter which position it is? If so, you have a broken map switch. Follow the cables and find the CDI connector joints, remove the switch cables and short circuit the two connectors from the CDI. This puts the bike in "sun" mode.
Whoa there!
Your problems started when changing the ignition map?

And now it does not matter which position it is? If so, you have a broken map switch. Follow the cables and find the CDI connector joints, remove the switch cables and short circuit the two connectors from the CDI. This puts the bike in "sun" mode.

Sorry....that's not what I meant. Map switch does work. I meant that the bike still has a flat top end on either setting. Changing maps does not effect it. It does, however, seem to change my bottom end quite a I've always kept it on the sun (fun) switch.

Does changing the map have that big a difference in top end hit? I will take ur advice tho, and check all connectors. How exactly does one "short " the wire to run in sun mode?
In rain mode it does not have a top end hit. Atleast my '12 doesn't. It just pulls strong through low and mid and then completely flat

The two wire connectors close to the cdi is male and female.. just disconnect the wiring to the switch and connect the two loose ends to each other.
Are you running the stock exhaust? Have a friend running the Leo Vince and he had top end issues till he removed the spark arrestor screen. Had enough blockage to cause top end issues.
Will check the map connectivity after i put motor back together....thanks for the info. If thats all it ends up being ....I'll mail a six pack to Sweden lol.

My exhaust is stock but bike worked fine w this exhaust i ll assume ita not pipe related. I did order new packing from GF as the packing/silencer was the first area I checked. Packing seemed good amd no real restrictions

Thanks to all for ur suggestions thus far. Will continue to work on. Have cleaned pv assemblyand ready to put back on
Bike back together and working better. Cleaning the entire pv made a massive difference in the idle consistency...or has seemed to. Took cylinder off to clean pv and to learn its orientation. Glad I did as I understand it better now. Used the same thickness gasket (black .5mm) and new O rings on head. Actuator resting snugly on stopper at idle and moves to full open starting around 3000-4000 rpm Id say, although I cant tell for certain as its only by ear. Before I did all this cleaning etc, it would snap open very quickly. After cleaning the pv, it moved silky smooth thru its travel in the cylinder.

Im still waiting for new packing, new gaskets for thermostat and water pump and now new impellor and cover as I noticed the "water pump" thread. So my water pump gasket is weaping a little and I wont be testing much till I replace that.

I have yet to short the map switch, and have since tried both settings again. They both feel very similar in power delivery. My bike pulls the front wheel off the ground when bangin' thru the first 3 gears no problem. Top end speed though, today, was better than before I did the pv cleaning. It was 70 mph before, and is now 80 mph. I still think it should pull more top end. Maybe the map switch fix will help...we'll see. It also seems to kick over harder (more compression), but not sure if that's just in my fat head :D

Thanks to all who responded and helped thru pm ing
Mapping switch

I can not tell the difference with the mapping switch. That may just be my lack of feel. I am also not happy with the way by bike pulls when on the pipe. and cooming onto the pipe. I tested the switch and all was ok. I would love to get on an other gas gas to see if its just that way or there is something wrong.

I have got a pic of pic of the 2012 dyno I will see if I can get in on this from my pad.
I can not tell the difference with the mapping switch. That may just be my lack of feel. I am also not happy with the way by bike pulls when on the pipe. and cooming onto the pipe. I tested the switch and all was ok. I would love to get on an other gas gas to see if its just that way or there is something wrong.

I have got a pic of pic of the 2012 dyno I will see if I can get in on this from my pad.;DD6E777E-804D-444B-8C75-64B219E6044B
