'02 EC 300 Chassis & body shop manual?


It's gotta be somewhere, I found the '02 shop engine manual, and the Ohlins suspension manual, but the rest of the chassis (wheel removal, swingarm, tank, airbox, controls, etc)? Is there a manual for this stuff?

I can turn a wrench as well as anyone, but I found out that my '02 EC300 ingested disintegrated air-cleaner bits into the intake tract, so it all has to come apart, and I'd like to READ what has to come off to get the airbox out before I just start removing screws and seeing what comes loose.
It's gotta be somewhere, I found the '02 shop engine manual, and the Ohlins suspension manual, but the rest of the chassis (wheel removal, swingarm, tank, airbox, controls, etc)? Is there a manual for this stuff?

I don't think so. I have never seen one.
Service manuals

I have .pdf files for 02 and 03 and 05 GG EC bikes.
Send me an E-mail Address and I will forward them.
I have an owners/service manual for normal maint.
Shop manual for disassembly and repair.
Parts numbers manuals for chassis and motor.

Just removing an air box is rather simple. It comes out
with the sub-frame. Removing the engine to do a re-build
is a whole'nuther matter. I'm into that with my '98 EC250SM. yuck.

Cheers, Jeff