My recent auto trama is forcing a sale.. This bike has very little actual use,, Still has the original brakes on it,, and I usually go thru 2-3 sets in a real season. Its in good shape and I just wont be able to ride for 6-9 months and only rode 3 times last year.. so,, Keeping my 97 as a backup for when I'm healed and planning on a dot legal 4stroker when the Dr. give the thumbs up..
Pics available,, oh,, and PA tittled and registered as a street bike..
Oh,, one more thing,, all the usual guards, braces, mods etc.. no damper but the mounts are there..
Pics available,, oh,, and PA tittled and registered as a street bike..
Oh,, one more thing,, all the usual guards, braces, mods etc.. no damper but the mounts are there..