13/52...anybody running this?


New member
I was going to try a 14/52 combo on my 18 300, but found out after the fact that a 14 isn't happening. So the option is a 13 since I do not want to buy another rear sprocket and eat that cost too. Looking for any real world input as I am worried that it may be too trials like. Thanks!
I was going to try a 14/52 combo on my 18 300, but found out after the fact that a 14 isn't happening. So the option is a 13 since I do not want to buy another rear sprocket and eat that cost too. Looking for any real world input as I am worried that it may be too trials like. Thanks!

I ran that gearing on the old goat climbing Ec300 04. It was pretty aggressive, 13/50 is a good compromise on gearing. But I?d just run it a gear higher and wear them out.
I ran that gearing on the old goat climbing Ec300 04. It was pretty aggressive, 13/50 is a good compromise on gearing. But I?d just run it a gear higher and wear them out.

Thanks Nate. I agree that a 13/52 is aggressive for sure. Bummed that I have an expensive 14t CSS that will be useless on my 18 300, 52 is a Dirt Tricks and feel compelled to use it since it isn't cheap either. If I had a do-over, 13/50 would be the hot ticket. Probably run a gear high like you said!
It fits the spleen and got it on by using the dremel on the swingarm slider for tooth clearance... then thought, I better check the chain to clutch slave clearance with a couple spare links and it seems to hit. Kinda annoyed admittedly.
to add to the issue, the dropdown when ordering menu showed 99-current, so I ordered it. Then the invoice shows 99-13... would never have went with this combo if it showed my year not working. I have a feeling 13/52 will be like trials gearing, but also unsure of how much different 13/50(3.85) versus 13/52(4.00) will actually be in "normal" trail usage.

Already bought a 13 CS, but may pick up a 50t...
When I bought my '11 Rick had it geared 12/48 which is equal to a 13/51. It was way too steep gearing for what I ride and really killed off my top end. I swapped the cs sprocket to a 13t (13/48) and really liked it. I might try a 13/49 at some point. I would only run 13/50 if I was riding some really gnarly technical stuff.

Just for comparison purposes, I also ride a '98 KDX220. I run 13/48 on it and it will climb anything I've tried to here in AZ. On a 250/300cc bike it should be able to match anything my KDX can do and more with the same gearing.
yeah, I hear that. Thinking the same overall. I wanted the 14 to help with slider wear, but so much for that! Will have to pawn these off on the cheap sadly.
I run 13/52 and really like it. It allows you to crawl in technical areas and I almost never need to slip the clutch.
I run 13/52 and really like it. It allows you to crawl in technical areas and I almost never need to slip the clutch.

I run this gearing also. Love it. It allows me to be low in third gear on the trails which still has good maneuverability in tight single track stuff. Can easily blip the throttle allowing the torque to loft the front wheel enough to clear obstacles and with enough momentum to cross logs and roots.
13/52 works very well. 1st is useful on hills, 2nd is good for slow speed, 3rd for most single track, 4th for more open single track.

Many guys want to stay in third all the time, but I'd don't mind using fourth.
13/52 is perfect for my home ST. Minimizes or eliminates the need for clutchwork, and JUST enough legs for steep 1st gear climbs
On a side note.
The '18 on up bikes have an adjustable rear chain block. Adjust it down to accommodate the bigger rear sprocket.
Wow, I don't know how you guys ride with such steep gearing. I guess here in AZ the top speeds are fast enough that it just wouldn't work for me. I even ride hike-a-bike stuff and do nasty loose hill climbs and never have needed more than 13/48 gearing.
Wow, I don't know how you guys ride with such steep gearing. I guess here in AZ the top speeds are fast enough that it just wouldn't work for me. I even ride hike-a-bike stuff and do nasty loose hill climbs and never have needed more than 13/48 gearing.

I recently went out on my new to me txt 280 trials bike at a dedicated trials park and to be honest it was the same terrain I ride on my Ec. So I am probably not using the bike as intended but it is so capable.
Pretty interesting feedback, thanks again. Here is a question- would the same chain be able to switch between a 50/52? Wheelbase changed aside...
I have used stock 13/48, 12/48 and 13/51. The 12/48 is the same ratio as your 13/52 but i preferred the handling with the 12/48 over the 13/51 and that boils dowwn to wheelbase. I would think the 13/52 would be even shorter.

The 12/48 was my favourite for the hike-a-bike stuff and i often started off in second. on the asphalt i could still get about 110km/h without wringing its neck too much

gearingcommander.com shows that you will get quicker wear on this ratio as you will have the same tooth connecting with the same chain link every 3 chain revolutions - apparently this determines how quick it will wear, not sure what difference it make