15-Mar-14 Diamond Mill Report (OR)


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I hadn't ridden in the Tillamook State Forest (Oregon) since before Snowmeggedan '14 and boy was I glad to get back out and hit the trails. Shotgun Creek is fun and a nice change of pace, but nothing compares to what we have access to in the coast range. Our Motley Crew of 7 riders included 3 orange 2Ts, 1 KDX, a couple of 250/Xs, and me on the GG.




We geared up and headed out of Diamond Mill staging. I don't know if the first set of trails have names, but we ripped through those and had a good time making our way to the road that splits off and heads NW. One of the guys started things off proper by letting himself get filmed doing his best impression of the handle bar hurdle after clipping a rather nasty section of hidden stump. All was good and we kept making our way to one of the entrances of Elk Wallow - which I don't think I've done before.

We made our way to one entrance of Truck Dent and I thought we were heading up, but bombed the other direction and continued northwest. I'm not sure of the trail name, but it was fun single track that went up, down, and around (lol). I figured out where we were when we dropped down to a ledge running along the hill and knew were going to pop out at Diamond Mill Ridge - perfect. We stopped to clear some windfall along the way and started what would be the 1st of several attempts to keep air in one TT rear.



Diamond Mill Ridge is such a blast, we bombed the length of it and then took Cramlet's Cliff over to check out the new section of DC. Talk about a giant improvement, much more fun down to the 2nd part of the trail than the slip-n-slide original. Aside from one small gravity check on DC (note - it still works), everyone enjoyed the single track and popped out the other side :cool:

We continued west and did another no-named trail (part of Frankenstein?) so we could skip some logging road and then head over to Reid's Ridge. 2nd time up this trail and it's a ton of fun if you can get past a few of the root steps...lol. Unfortunately, as we were waiting for everyone to get to the "top", someone noticed a small pool of fluid from one of the bikes...not good. Figured out the problem, but now the question was how much oil was left in the tranny. A quick drain of engine oil into a baggie (ahh...MacGyver in the woods) and we were off with the hope that gears weren't eating themselves on the trusty steed.



I have no idea where we went after exiting Reid's Ridge; but it was slick arse clay with more root steps thrown in for fun...lol. I managed to chose the wrong fork at one point and found myself in a hip-deep rut. Typical traffic back-up ensued, then we were on our way again and when we finally left the clay, we managed to come out somewhere north of Muesial Creek (at least, I think so...lol). Our luck turned as we flagged down a truck leading a tow-truck (not good) to their disabled rig and they had some oil, so we filled the bike up and decided to keep motoring.

Of course, the forecasters weren't exactly accurate and a nice mist started falling shortly after we continued west. I know we hit several sections of Muesial Ridge and then wound our way over to Muesial Creek. Another buddy tested gravity whilst attempting the run up one section of Muesial Ridge and I was fortunate enough to witness it in person. I think the next time I decide to check on someone, I'll ride my bike instead of hike - even if it means climbing the hill again...lol. Hiking up hill in full gear with a pack is for the birds - there's a reason our bikes have motors :o Another buddy had to come and help us extract the bike from it's off-trail excursion, but everyone was a-ok and we continued on.

Hit Muesial Creek and really enjoyed running it the opposite direction; hadn't done that before and it was fun. Finished that up and then my buddy threw down and said I couldn't skip the last uphill climb of Cedar Ridge...lol. I couldn't see a damn thing thanks to the mist, which ended up being fine as I probably would have wussed and taken the bypass. Made it up that and then we decided to head back toward staging. Hit Frankenstein along the way and then one final hoorah on Mike's.

All in all, logged 42 miles and had a great rip. No injuries, just abused enduro bikes and tons of smiles all the way around. Can't wait to do it again.

The requisite video dump will be coming shortly; lots of good stuff from the variety of trails we hit.



Enjoying the videos! About half way through them, it's crazy how much trail you all have. Definatly couldn't be afraid of hieghts riding on the edge of some of those trails, people here would pay for those views lol.

Are you guys a club? How hard is it to get 7 people together, be like pulling teeth for me.
Are you guys a club? How hard is it to get 7 people together, be like pulling teeth for me.
Sounds like our local riding situation. Generally, the mere suggestion of a group ride brings the winter diehards outta the woodwork. That's ok, if you don't mind an Austrian invasion.
Are you guys a club? How hard is it to get 7 people together, be like pulling teeth for me.

I think we're really fortunate out here; lots and lots of terrain to ride. From what folks have told me, it's far less than it used to be, but it's still outstanding. I have a group of 8 buddies who all dove back into dirt riding a couple years back; it was like some crazy rite of passage into our 40s...LOL. We're all track day junkies - seemed like a natural progression.

I've also met a bunch of outstanding guys through a local off-road board. Like bowhunter says, posting up a general invite will typically get you a big group - which is a blast as long as it's manageable.

If you think some of those trails had a drop off, check out one of the trails we hit during an outstanding camp/ride to Gifford Pinchot.


I'm not overly fond of heights and this just about had me tuck tail and turn back...lol. The funny thing was we had to turn around and do the cliff section right after passing it - one of the guys was at his 1/2 way mark on fuel :eek:
Jeebus! I about had a heart attack when you pointed your bars to the right on the return trip.

Thats cool to hear about your friends and riding area I pondered hitting up some clubs, just not to that point yet. I just wing it solo if I cant get the friend out, its not as much of a no-no here, no UBER drops! :D