2001 Ec 300 Jetting 3500-7000' 200lbs rider


New member

Hi I just sold my 2003 KTM SX 250 and purchased a 2001 G-G Ec 300 in mint condition. I live in Lake Tahoe my house is at 6429 feet elevation. Most of my riding is between 3500 and 7000 feet elevation. I'm wondering if you can help me with jetting set up?
2001 Gas Gas Ec 300 200lbs rider fast woods riding 3500-7000 ' elev

1) I think stock jetting was 185 main and 42 pilot jets. Perhaps I can swap to a178-180 MJ add a 38 pilot and adjust the air screww ?at 2 turns out?

Please send me any words of wisdom.


Buy the LT-Racing jetting kit. Then go with a 172 Main, 40 pilot and needle at 2nd or mabe first from top position.

A 185 Main is huge. I used a 180M at 2500FT and that was huge. I know run a 175 or 172.

This should give you a good starting point.
There is a fairly comprehensive jetting thread available, if you do a search, you should be able to find it. F.W.I.W. at those elevation parrameters with the stock pipe I prefer to run, to good results a 165 main, kawi N3YF needle , #9 slide cutaway and a 35 pilot. very good to about 7000 feet were it starts loosing torque fast
Jetting is often a matter of personal preference. Check out the jetting thread for different approaches.

My experience with my '01 300 is that a #8 slide notably cleaned up the 0 to 1/4 throttle range. My '06 EC300 works best with a #7 slide.

Here is what I have run on my '01 300...

Bike year & model = 2001 XC300
Temperature (degF) = 40 - 80
Elevation (feet) = 3000 - 6000
Main jet = 172
Pilot jet = 40
Needle & notch = CCK 3
Air screw setting = 1 - 2
Throttle valve/slide = 8

This jetting produces lots of usable, very linear power. It has plenty of boost to get you through anything in the woods. I weigh about 270 lbs geared up ready to ride.

Thanks Guys,

You helped me very much. I went to the local shop and he said as a general basic jetting rule for Tahoe elevations 40-75 degree go two steps leaner than stock. I purchased a 165-167-170 main and 35-37-40 pilot jets. Since it's snowing and I wont be riding much until the Spring I may go a bit rich.

I'll start with 167-37. Is it worth changing the slide and needle? The needles are inexpensive and I'm sure the slides are big bucks? I dont want to have tons of varibles. Perhaps change the MJ-PJ and needle mid stream then try her out. Whats the best simple way to test? It sure would be nice to ride with the 3 of you all on EC 300s then swap bikes :-)) Any how should I ride for 20 minutes then pul the plug ? What should I look for, non wet nice brownish color?

Thanks again have a nice Turkey day.

P.s If your ever in Tahoe look me up we can ski or ride or play hockey.

For the needle just go one position down on the clip. As for a slide i think they are about $30 but it might not help you. Some bikes like a #6 and some a #7 or #8 slide.
wavemanz. The needle and slide are important for clean lower throttle openings performance. There is no guarentee that what works for one will work for the other. Guys like L.T.R. and JD. have designed their products around the assumtion that your going to use the stock slide and work pretty darn good based on that premise, there's more than one way to skin a cat. So if you dont mind doing a bit of work you can tailor your jetting to have the engine perform exactly where you like it, and learn a little something to boot.A slide can easy'ly be modified cheaply by any capable machinist/ hobbyist.The main jet should be the first thing to be determined to be correct, You need to be sure that your getting enough fuel for wide open throttle operation and that should include big hillclimbs as well.There lots and lots of good info on this site from other guys, search, as well as other sights on the net.As an example enter (plug chop) into your search engine and see what you come up with. Good luck
I live and ride above 6500ft....05' EC300. Make sure your squish band is set-up to spec(see posts on this topic). I also did the RB designs carb mod which made a huge difference running at 9-10k feet.