2003 EC300 Over Reving

I'm with you, the worse the terrain the better.Thats why we ride gassers rite.
On the topic of air leaks at the carb fittings I use a trick a mechanic friend showed me. With my bike on the stand idling I take my spray bottle of diluted window cleaner (I use it for mounting tires) and mist it around all of the rubber connections by the carb. If you have any kind of air leak your RPM will change. This lets me know about little cracks or splits before they turn into bigger problems.


Get well Les
I'm with you, the worse the terrain the better.Thats why we ride gassers rite.
On the topic of air leaks at the carb fittings I use a trick a mechanic friend showed me. With my bike on the stand idling I take my spray bottle of diluted window cleaner (I use it for mounting tires) and mist it around all of the rubber connections by the carb. If you have any kind of air leak your RPM will change. This lets me know about little cracks or splits before they turn into bigger problems.


Get well Les

That sounds like a good idea, either way I've a new rubber and air filter ordered...

When you say winder cleaner, do you mean some sort of soapy washing up liquid...
Actually straight water will work just fine. All you're doing is sealing the air leak momenterraly. I just use the window cleaner because it's in my spray bottle and handy. (I'm lazy)

Get well soon Les
I happened to find a you tube clip of the event I attended on the Sunday I was panicing to attend when I was dealing with the over revving issue. Note it's not me doing the filming but I do feature in the clip, I'm the guy being passed at 6:52 in the clip...


By the way this trail looks a lot hander watching the clip than it was in practice. The hill the guy was asking about at 5:05 I couldn't get up in one sweep, busted my balls dragging the bike up there several times and this guy makes it look handy...