2009 ec 250 swing arm pivot removal ?


New member
nut losend, the pivot bolt should tap through the swing arm to realise swing arm from frame ? is this correct as i'm not getting movement when taping/striking with wood & hammer :confused:
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Have you loosened the brackets that connect the swing arm pivot to the frame to the linkage (3 points of contact)? Need to loosen these at the frame.

yes, the brackets were unbolted and rotated back to necessitate one of the linkage bolts removal, they were tight to lever back, thanks for the reply, il look after work today. some general internet search is "have you slackened the engine mounts" il phone GG UK for a pointer, please pitch in any ideas.
Yes, I have also read that loosening the engine mounts helps as well. I have not had to this on my bike.
Sounds like the swing arm pivot has not been removed in years. I am able to remove mine without loosing or removing anything but the dog bones.

Try heating the engine case where the pivot goes through it. Then use a drift and heavy hammer/sledge to pound it out.

When you reinstall, make sure you grease it with good waterproof grease.

hitting is the way forward...its not been out from factory..looking to get this one ship shape soon, thanks..... & il check yearly from then on :)
If the swing arm bolt is seized, you need to lay the bike on it's side and put blocks of wood between the frame (near as possible to the bolt without blocking it's passage) and the floor. This is so that the force from the hammer blow goes to releasing the bolt, not flexing the frame outwards.
its out

ok that was a bit of a parts strip down, but the jobs revealed wot's ok & wot's gunna need to be replaced..new grease & happy links :)