recently acquired a very low hour 2010 300 from a good friend that has been stored for several years I estimated had about 25 hours on it. refreshed everything rebuilt carb changed all fluids it ran very well except for a Rich break up from the middle to the top of the power band. it ran very well off the bottom and no other signs of things that could affect corporation other than the jetting. based on conversations with JD jetting and some research here I went from the 180 Main to a 178 to 175 then to 172. The 172 finally got the bike too accelerate mostly normally from mid to top also using a JD red needle clip and third position. at the end of the first day of riding with the 172 about two hours in after a few long straightaways bike bogged then installed then would only idle momentarily then shut off. pulled pipe and Reed cage identified cylinder plating looked undamaged but scuffs on exhaust side of piston. altitude is 700 to 1300 feet hot humid Texas. JD Tech said there may be something going on with the power valve to cause it to act rich can someone direct me to some information on what that means so I can address it during the rebuild. any input on anything I'm not thinking of greatly appreciated thank you.