2012 300ec 42p N3CJ#3 175m

I'm no Guru! But I here is my 2 cents:
Just by your setup and the sound, I'd say you are in the ballpark. Any fine tuning that you end up doing will just be for personal taste in power delivery.
On my '10EC300 I'm running:
N3CH #2
38 pilot
I'm at 5000 MSL and 70ish degrees
I also have my float height set abut 2 mm lower, so I may be getting anther step leaner from that.
I went out and tested the 42 N3CJ#3 178 today in the little 250. It felt ok and made good power up in the revs. The bottom end was a bit mooshy. Came out some more on the AS which crispened things up some, but still too mushy on the needle. Just went back half a clip leaner which lets me run more AS for better off idle punch, and then smooth lower needle. Once into the second taper the bike flys. It feels a bit flat off the pipe in the higher gears but I guess it is a 250 and once you kick it back a gear or flick the clutch it really comes to life. I'll probably give 42 N3EJ#2 a good ride in the bush and then reevaluate.

Thats the thing with all this Nato. You really need to experience them back to back to know whats working and whats not. For me the half a clip position is the difference between the power being strong but sounding wet, and sounding crisp and feeling explosive. This stuff does my head in. Haha!
Me too

I agree that jetting seems close

2010 300

38p (40 if less then 40'F)
N3CH # 2 or 3 depending on elevation
172 main
Well besides that video i posted i have not had a chance to really try this jetting out! Im heading out this Sunday to a place where we Will do 160km loop with Rocky hill climbs creek crossings and a sandy run to the beach and back. If anything Im a bit nervous about the beach bit but at least if it Will Tell me if Its lean or not :) I Will be taking my gopro so i Will throw a video on when i can.
I ran your jetting combo today on my 12 300. Pretty nice hit to it. I was running the NEDJ needle and your combo has alot more pronounced midrange hit. Pretty fun.
I just got home from a 2 day trail ride with a small amount of sand heaps of rocky singles and some gnarly hills. It was an awesome bike all weekend!!
I did 80k's the 1st but i did not fill it right up and it got down to the part where it goes square at the bottom so id say about 100k's to a tank give or take.
Sounds good mate! Watched the vid in your other thread. Is that around Rocky? Looks to be some prime ST
Crisp n Clean

NATO, the vid gives a great audible for what to expect with your set-up. I'm running the stock '12 300 38 carb setup and looking for a little more hit in the lower to mids. By the sound of your bike, it kind of tells me that the N3CJ might be right for me. I ride in central Alabama at 1000-1500 feet and can barely hit the pipe, so it seems. I'm getting a good bit of drip down the silencer which could mean I'm not hitting it hard enough. Problem is, I know we don't ride slow or lug the entire ride. I read the parts manual and it doesn't define what the stock setup is. It gives the option of 35 or 42, N1EF, and 175. Do you know if the stock setup is 35 or 42? I don't want to buy the wrong one. Thanks JET
The manual is in spanish. Its probably a 42 but could be anything, especially depending on predelivery/your dealer.

Likely it'll be a 40/42 N1EF#2 (or #1) with a 175 main. The Yamaha needle will clean things up really well. Other good choices are the Suzuki needles. Much reading available on the topic.
Thanks Jakobi. I've read many of the threads on set-ups for the '12s and appears many of the people that do post their set-up are riding at much higher altitudes. I know it's not a huge expense if I have to buy a few to get the right match. I'll reply with my set-up when I make the change.