2012 Gas Gas EC 300 E-Start Build Thread

Is this "$10" track open for riding? I would rather go there than Fort Morgan!

I guess...I'm not sure on times and what have you, I was just told about it. Show up, go inside the shack, sign the liability form and put $10 in an envelope and stuff it in the slot. I would say on a Sunday get there at 10am, it was nice and no one around...by 12:30-1pm a LOT of people were showing up and I don't like crowds so that's when I decided to come home.
As for the bike:
Only complaint is GG not using a washer or two for the kickstand bolt. Plus my bolt was bent from day one. Issue resolved with a Grade 12.9 allen bolt I happened to have along with one metal washer for the front and a plastic washer for the rear with lots of blue locktite I don't see an issue....the kickstand now moves without turning the bolt.

Oh and I might pay $10 to remove the European kickstand...having it retract on you just to move the bike slightly is a pain in the butt. Is it that hard to remember to fold it up before rolling away...LOL

Please remember I am new to 2-strokes...I have not ridden one since my 1984 Honda CR60 as a kid. But comparing it to my Honda XR650R I will say power is more snappy and it does take good throttle control to control the power in tight stuff. I could see where if someone was new to motorcycles (dirt bikes) and bought one of these bikes they could get hurt real easy. I would suggest starting on something else, just like I would never recommend when I rode street bikes that my Yamaha FZ1 was a good first bike.

As for suspension, it was awesome. I've never been picky and coming from that XRR anything would be better. The whoops it was night and day compared to the XRR also...so again two different bikes but its what I can compare it too. The overall handling was very flick-able. I did sit some and the seat is so-so. But I should point out I must have an iron butt because I have yet to buy an aftermarket seat for ANY motorcycle...LOL If I was droning along where I could pay attention to the seat then yes it might be on the hard side. In the 13 miles I was on the bike I never thought of it.
Well today I got to ride the GG down the road, and on some trails. I also found out that the range is 62 miles....but lot of slow going due to snow and ice on the mountain road I was on. I have such a nice wife, called her up and said...SORRY bring the premix I almost made it home with maybe 4-5 miles to go.

I also meet my usual USFS ranger. We chitchatted he was showing me his book on exhaust. We did find where it says USFS approved, hidden under the plastic side panel. He also showed me what they actually are checking for with the metal rod. Also how that they are suppose to match up the design of the exhaust with schematics int he book...he said no one does that. Nice guy, I've chatted many times with him and it was me that stopped to say HI and offer to show the temp tag (I had in my backpack). Reason we talked about stuff is his words "some of these rangers are on a power trip and our asshole"...LOL

Anyways I went up, went to an area that does not get many people and I make tracks in the snow (hit and miss where there is snow a very light year). This bike is letting me ride at a whole new level, logs no issue and fun, steep hills not an issue and also fun. Drop the bike on ice, its so light to pickup. The rear tugger strap was used today...works great.

I decide to go and hit a road called Hotel Gulch. Solid ICE in one section, and its usually bad but this was nuts. It was so bad that further down a cabin near the creek had to of been flooded, and frozen solid in ICE...someone won't be happy come Spring/Summer when they see their log cabin destroyed. Also s car flooded and frozen solid...LOL Well this leads me to the next part of the story. I had no 2-stroke oil with me, and I tried but i could not get back up the road...in fact I slide down it out of control and that was probably crash 3 or 4 of the day.

So my options were to continue out to the main road and continue to Woodland Park or go Rainbow Falls back to where I came from. Thank God I opted for town. I get to town gas still seems fine. Okay not a huge deal back to my house is downhill all the way. So I feel good I can at least get out of the mountains.

I'm right, I get out...there was sputtering at a point so I did turn reserve on. That reserve does not last long on these bikes I'll tell you what. I get to my town of Monument, and guess what a cop going the other way. I wave, he waves, and he turns around after he notices no plate, no temp plate. I figured this would happen so not a huge deal. I stop, get out the temp plate, give license, give insurance card and he gives a little lecture...gives a warning and I'm on my way. I get through the blink your eye town and the bike finally dies. It was out of gas.

Oh well it was a great day, will be going out tomorrow too. Have a friend coming down from Denver and as he is a noob to off-road (well he took a school on off-road once many moons ago). He will be on the XR650R...it be an easy ride trying to stay off the snow/ice.

So is this the mileage I should expect?
I would say yes that is the mileage you can expect based upon the following: Time of year (cold air demands more gas), your description of ride (snow "slogging", bike drops where you likely lost fuel out your overflow tubes), and road riding (a fair amount of riding in the "powervalve"). The biggest thing to get used in going from the 4T to 2T is fuel range (at least to me it is). My best range on a my old 300 was 79 miles at high altitude on a very hot day, riding all day like I was running out of gas, and literally dead engine coasting downhill for what was close to 10 miles. Things I do for long rides: Warm up bike and then come back and top off tank, make sure jetting is tidied up, take some 2T oil with me and find a gas station, and ride from the start like I'm on reserve (other guys I ride with carry extra gas, too). Now you know how far you can go so you can plan accordingly!
Turns out my float bowl was way off, so I'll probably pick up some miles from that adjustment.

I also picked up a MSR Dromedary 6L bag to hold extra fuel. It will fit in my camelback but the camel back is not really designed for that extra weight. Might get a Klim Krew Pak as a larger option for those very long days trail riding. However my Wolfman small saddle bags fit on the bike and the 6L MSR fits in fine (well that's with actually 1.25 Gallons in it (6L equals 1.55 Gallons). Obviously I'm not racing, and trail riding tends to be a lot slower here due to the huge boulders.

I also went ahead and joined AMSOil as you get the stuff for about $10 less as a preferred customer. I'm going to be trying the Dominator 2T Oil. I been running BelRays top shelf stuff but its a little expensive.

Here is a video from last weekend (before some adjustments to the bike were made).

Rainbow Falls OHV area