2012 TXT Pro All Electric

What do you have to back that up? If it weren't so sad for all the wasted stimulus $$ invested in these companies it would be funny. This stuff is not ready for prime time, do the math its quite basic. Energy density of even the best Lion batteries is still a far cry from a gallon of gasoline. Also, every time you go through a conversion of energy, there is a loss, so your actually using a lot more absolute energy to charge your electric car than you think. There is nothing "green" about it. Then there is the grid issue, what do you think would happen if everyone came home at 5PM and plugged their car in? A really well thought out plan.:mad:

I get real tired of govt. picking winners and losers(so far losers) rather than let technology mature on its own into something that is competitive. I'm all for investment on a scale with a reasonable rate of return. My company is doing a lot of Hydrogen fuel cell work, and I've been in a fuel cell powered BMW, pretty nice. CNG is also an alternative, and we have plenty of that.

That said, the trials bike is a good app for electric because an electric motor has instant torque. Run time isn't a big issue because its a toy after all, not a form of transportation.
It's not only about cheap energy it's about sustainable and clean energy that is ultimately affordable. I suppose you are all for mountaintop coal mining and hydraulic fracturing to get that natural gas and think corn based ethanol is a good idea too.

How are viable alternatives ever supposed to progress to the point where they are affordable if you feel money spent on research is money wasted?

You believe that if we don't have an electrical grid that can support mass use of electric vehicles or one to get electricity from solar/wind/geothermal/tidal energy sources we should not consider building them? How is that progressive thinking? Or is progressive thinking a waste as well?

Here are some things to read that I found after a few minutes of searching. I'm sorry but I don't want to spend more time looking up sources that you may feel are more credible that say the same things.


Something on all the "wasted" green energy stimulus money.

Something on the real cost of hydrogen.

And something on the scale of money that is funneled to the O&G industry and then into political campaigns.

I doubt we will agree on much with regards to this debate. We are on opposite sides and probably aren't going to change each others minds.

If people start talking about stiffening technological progress it always fires me up. I feel it's our only hope for survival. So I apologize for having a strong opinion about this stuff. And for believing my opinion is closer to the truth than your opinion ;) I'm sure you feel the same.

Let's just agree that riding dirtbikes is about the most fun you can have and leave it at that.
Let me remind you that you injected yourself into this thread in a very opinionated way after one year, did you not expect a response? We don't have a political forum here, and long drawn out agressive debates in the other forums will not be allowed.

The simple fact that you reference "thinkprogress.org" tells me where your comming from, and hard, simple facts and physics will not deter you from buying into the skewed science BS these people put forth for their own "green" agenda. All of this stuff is in its infancy, and needs to mature at a natural pace, not rammed down our throats at unsustainable cost to appease special interests. The trials bike is not proof of anything, its simply a toy, no more than an R/C car. You can read all this liberal wet dream garbage you want, but unless your a scientist, engineer or the like who can prove to me on paper that it works, I'm done with this, because I've worked with some brilliant people who can prove otherwise.

No more politics in this thread. Now, if you have a question or need help with the bike, ask away.
Why? :confused: Is there really a market for that in trials competition, or is some kind of govt. subsidized green vehicle project. Is it going to be a requirement for indoor competition in the future? Seems to me development money could be better spent elsewhere. And yes, I know all about the torque characteristics of electric motors and their potential advantages. At the end of the day though, you have to be able to sell them to make money.

Yeah, electric or not, the true greenie hates all that think unlike him, there is no acceptance. I was really asking a question, is it a viable product? Look at the electric cars here that the govt pushed for, no one wants them. Plus, they cost $40K!

I apologize Glenn. I thought you had set the political tone right off with these posts. I usually don't bring things like this up in forums.

I did not spend a lot of time looking for references that I thought would be politically correct to you and even apologized for that ahead of time. I've never even seen Think Progress before this.

If you have scientific evidence supporting what you say or against what I say or the content of the links I referenced I would love to read them. Off forum. I don't have a political agenda. I'm just trying to get the facts.

I'll keep it all bikes from here on out.
This was a year old, I really did not care to revisit it. On one hand I do not want to let things get too out of hand and off topic, but on the other I just can't let misinformation stand unchallenged. Thank you and lets move on now.