2018 ec 300 bearings in oil


I've just dropped the oil in my ec 300 and was surprised to find 5 small ball bearings on the magnet in the transmission. I'm hoping if there is damage that gasgas comes to the rescue under warranty however although I have done under a dozen hours, I think it is over 12 months old..
I recovered from acl and mcl surgery so haven't been able to ride much so my bike has been unused for most of the 12 months.
I've attached photos for people's opinions of where they are from..


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Geez that's odd. I'd take a guess being that small they are either from the power valve governor, the water pump drive or the governor drive.
Just put her back together and keep on riding!! :D :D

Seriously though, I'd be calling the local dealer (if they are close), and discussing options. They might be able to do it under warranty even though its outside of 12 months in good will. If so they'll probably want to undertake the work themselves, or may be happy for you to do so and then claim the damaged parts.

If you just hook into it yourself you may find they won't take part in it. At least if you discuss the problem before hand you'll know where you stand.

I'd probably give them a call, tell them what you've found. Express that you are happy to pull the rhs engine cover to investigate yourself and then take it from there. All depends on your situation though.. how much effort to get the bike to the shop vs doing the work yourself etc.

Agree with others. Probably from either water pump bearing or powervalve governor.
Not "the others ". . . Just me. I'm like a Sensei guru.

Or just a drunkard.

Actually it's probably more the latter. . .
thanks all for the input. Ill speak to the dealer on Monday. Its weird because it was a total shock to me as the bike was still performing like there was nothing wrong. Probably a good sign I suppose. Anyway, tomorrows ride is no longer going to happen. Will update when I find out where they are from.


Ok, the dealer has had the bike for a little over 2 weeks n says he doesn't know where they have come from. Think I've been getting the run around. Anyone think I should take it somewhere else? I get the impression that not a lot of effort is being put in.. Lots of ducking n weaving.. Phone calls never returned etc. I'm increasingly suspicious of the water pump impeller bearings. Has anyone had there bike apart and inspected these at all??
I would suspect powervalve governor or the water pump.

I would go down and speak with them in person and ask to see the bike so you know if they done any work to it. Maybe contacting GG about it might light a fire under the dealer's rear?
Ok, the dealer has had the bike for a little over 2 weeks n says he doesn't know where they have come from. Think I've been getting the run around. Anyone think I should take it somewhere else? I get the impression that not a lot of effort is being put in.. Lots of ducking n weaving.. Phone calls never returned etc. I'm increasingly suspicious of the water pump impeller bearings. Has anyone had there bike apart and inspected these at all??

Easiest way to cover yourself is simply to ask to get it all in writing.

Bike delivered on this date. What they have inspected, and what they have found, with their investigation showing unknown source of bearing material.

If you want it investigated further, then ask them to escalate it with Gas Gas.. do you want the engine cases split? do you want the cylinder pulled? do you want a new engine? Try and set some objectives.

Otherwise, if you have it in writing that you reported a suspect condition and returned it for warranty investigation that showed no fault, then if you take it back and something happens and it's related to the same issue you can then chase parts again under warranty.

How did the rest of the oil look? I'd personally have the shits. It takes 20mins to pop the whole RHS engine cover off at most. Shouldn't take them 2 weeks turn around. What exactly has been checked?
Ps. Page 7, bearings 12 are where I'd be specifically asking them to check


Hi Jakobi,
Thanks for the reply. Yes I do have the shits. I mentioned it today to the owner that I thought after 2 weeks that we are no closer to knowing where the bearings came from. His reply was that his shop is not the type of small bike shop that can do a 3 day turn around and it is simply too busy to expect that. Blah blah all I want is to know exactly what is going on with my bike. If it's gonna take 2 weeks to find the problem then tell me that. Don't tell me to ring back every couple of days to see what has been found when nothing has been done.
Anyway I will take your advice and go from there. Thanks
From reading your posts I have no idea if they have had the bike for 2 weeks and a) have done nothing at all, or b) have started investigating and at this point found nothing. It doesn't indicate if they have started, what they have done, or what they intend to do next.

Just a lack of communication.

I find these situations most frustrating, but even then it's best to try and stay rational and put the emotions aside and try to ask specific questions. Wouldn't hurt to make a few suggestions to them about where the bearings could be from too. Just because they are a dealer doesn't necessarily mean they have a thorough knowledge of the Gas Gas internals.
Were they definitely bearings? Very spherical, and very hard? Might be something else going on here if they aren't the same size as something that should be in the engine or if they are soft.
Maybe they are left overs from a shot peening process for some part during mfg of the engine. I found a few of these in the oil of a newly rebuilt car engine.