If the ignition timing is too far advanced you could get a "kick back" happening. This could happen by kick or estart. There is an oval washer that locates the stator plate in it's mounting slots. If this washer is missing, the timing could be way off.
The only way to find out is to remove the cover and pull the flywheel (a special puller is required).
Well, turns out the Neil E. had a point. The washer /cotter pin what ever you call it was nicely cutted in half and flywheel had moved a bit. This in turn makes the ignition to have too much "forward" timing leading to a nice kick back.
Have no idea how this could have happened but now a lot of things make sense; the kick back, rough running, easy stalling etc.
But the starting issue has to be of different origin, since the engine doesn't turn at all

Anyway, thank's for the help so far, the battle continues...