With the original starter on my 2018 XC I did all of the updates and had the starter working flawlessly. In gear, hot or cold, started every time right away. Well I broke that starter and had to order a new one. It took a while to get here because it was back ordered from the factory. With this new starter I cannot start my bike cold under any circumstance even in neutral. When the bike is warm I can only restart in neutral, but if I wait even a minute to restart, it will not restart. If I am in gear and kill the bike and try to restart instantly with the clutch pulled in, it will not start. Also the starter doesn?t look identical to the oem starter. It is shiny all around whereas the oem starter was not shiny on the ends. Also the housing did not have the lines that are supposed to line up on the starter. Also when this starter arrived it was not spinning the proper direction so I had to rotate it. I?m wondering if I didn?t get some after martlet starter instead of the real thing. Has anybody else experienced this with a new starter?