2stroke oil- full,semi or neither

Something to keep in mind whatever oil you run:

The more oil you put in your fuel, the leaner your mixture actually is (less fuel=leaner). When changing the ratio of oil to fuel, it is necessary to take this into account and adjust jetting accordingly.
We started running Klotz R50 about 10 yrs ago in our eight older GG bikes. We typically run between 40:1 and 50:1. About 5 yrs ago we also started using Klotz Motorcycle Techniplate to reduce the spooge and smoke of the R50 for slow trail or single track riding. We switch back and forth between the Motorcycle Techniplate and or R50 depending on where and how we are riding. If we ride hard and fast we use R50 and slow trail riding or single track we use the Motorcycle Techniplate because it has a lower flash point and spooges much less. .

R50 provides excellent wear protection (and smells fantastic) but it spooges much more than the Motorcycle Techniplate on the same bike, same jetting and same conditions especially when you are riding slow. It also seems that bikes with larger squish tend to spooge more too.

I asked two separate Klotz staff members about blending R50 and Motorycycle Techniplate to find some middle ground between the two oils and I was told it was ok to blend the two oils in the fuel. We have not had a problem to date switching between and or blending the two oils.

Note -The Motorcycle Techniplate and R50 are different from the Super Techniplate that has 20% Be.NOL racing castor.
Damn, may as well burn all my engineering qualifications and 2 stroke tuning books. An American has spoken...

I take no offense whatsoever to our fellow rider across the pond. In fact I extend an invitation to him to come to America, stay in my home, and ride with me for 3 or 4 days. I'll provide a bike and if he wants he can bring a carb and oil with him and set it up anyway he desires. This is a very sincere offer he can call me direct at 931-854-8037 if he wants to take me up on it.

I am not an engineer but I have owned and ridden 2 strokes for 50 years and offer my thoughts on oil flashpoints only to help others avoid some problems I've dealt with over time.
I take no offense whatsoever to our fellow rider across the pond. In fact I extend an invitation to him to come to America, stay in my home, and ride with me for 3 or 4 days. I'll provide a bike and if he wants he can bring a carb and oil with him and set it up anyway he desires. This is a very sincere offer he can call me direct at 931-854-8037 if he wants to take me up on it.

I am not an engineer but I have owned and ridden 2 strokes for 50 years and offer my thoughts on oil flashpoints only to help others avoid some problems I've dealt with over time.

I'm not from England, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so see you about 10? :D
If you get spooge, your jetting is rich somewhere...

It also depends on the oil. I work hard to jet these bike correctly but as they are carbureted and they are run at a variety of loads, temperatures humidities and altitudes, I am sure they are slightly rich at some times and lean in others. Oils with higher flash point temperatures require a higher temperature to burn and tend to spooge more when you are not riding hard. When we run the Techniplate with the lower flash point the spooge is minimal to nonexistent. Under the same light riding conditions with the R50 we get spooge.
It also depends on the oil. I work hard to jet these bike correctly but as they are carbureted and they are run at a variety of loads, temperatures humidities and altitudes, I am sure they are slightly rich at some times and lean in others. Oils with higher flash point temperatures require a higher temperature to burn and tend to spooge more when you are not riding hard. When we run the Techniplate with the lower flash point the spooge is minimal to nonexistent. Under the same light riding conditions with the R50 we get spooge.

Let the aussie speak!!

I agree with what he said..

In a perfect world you'd have just enough oil to leave an optimum quantity on the cylinder walls to lubricate, have enough circulating the bottom end to keep the mains and big end happy, and just enough that what leaves through the exhaust port is burnt off before it gets to the silencer.

Unfortunately the world isn't perfect and as above there are a metric shitload of variables (technical quantity) acting on the process as a whole. A carb can only do so much..

Too much oil won't hurt anything (within reason).. too little can (and has/will) given other variables aligning. But... not all oils are the same, not all riders treat the bikes the same, not all jetting is the same, and so it goes. If what you use suits your application then so be it! Why waste money on more oil just because? Probably also depends on where you live and the cost of oil..

Here in Australia it's close to $30/L for a quality synthetic... Why would you use more than you need?
Where as in the UK...


It's the same company we use at work to keep the 2000t extrusion press running. And at ?5 a litre I'm happy to chuck extra in ;).

I'll admit an old fart can happily plod along at even 100:1 if he's only bumbling about. But mine gets thrashed every time I ride it, and thats racing enduro and practising motocross. I get the tiniest bit of loading when the going gets gets real slow in the woods, but after 3 seconds clearing it out its spot on again. I'd never sacrifice durability for cost.
Damn, may as well burn all my engineering qualifications and 2 stroke tuning books. An American has spoken...

And while you are at it pick up some books on psychology to figure out why you are so insecure about your nationality since it wasn't even brought up in his post. Topography does not equal Nationality. An engineer with all your qualifications should be able to figure that out.

Any idea if the guys designing those oils and coming up with recommended ratios have engineering degrees too? Maybe if they were just in it to sell product they would recommend we all run 20:1.