48mm Zochs bush wear

I'm using the KYB and they fit fine. The Yamaha's also do , are a copy of the KYB's .
What I really need is the bushings for the PFP, mine are shot ...
Thanks for the confirmation.

Not sure where we'll find a crossover on the PFP bushing. Did you have the size recorded? I should have measured mine when last pulled down. I think the drain holes in the cartridge may have a slight burr on some edges which increase bushing wear. I'll be checking mine more next service.
Thanks for the confirmation.

Not sure where we'll find a crossover on the PFP bushing. Did you have the size recorded? I should have measured mine when last pulled down. I think the drain holes in the cartridge may have a slight burr on some edges which increase bushing wear. I'll be checking mine more next service.

I don't have the the measures but what you're saying makes all the sense. I'll use an emery cloth to file the drain holes on next service and replace the bushings .
Thinking some more I'm not certain thats it, as if they were sharp they'd cause issues for the o-rings that seal the piston too. Its still worth checking out though. I noticed a little wear on one of my bushings after relatively low hours too. Ordered OEM bushing kit thinking it would also contain the comp bushing but no luck. Thats in another kit with an even higher price tag. Such is life. Be great if we could get a crossover though, and find out what causes the wear.
My o'rings aren't nicked either. The first time I serviced the forks it already had some signs of wear . Now it's worse. The other reason I can think of is not enough lubricity ?

Did you ever find crossover info on the pfp bush?

I'm about to tear into my fork again and want to be prepared.
I recently had my forks apart for another oil change and some slight valving changes (Removed midvalve bleed). My bushing continue to look very good and my tubes look perfect. I do get some material in the bottom of the forks and the oil is contaminated. What I have found is I have a lot of wear on the fork spring rubbing against the inside of the lower tube. Nether surface is a normal wear surface so I have no concerns but I wonder if others are thinking it is bushing wear contaminating the oil vs the inner tube/spring.
My leg bushings are in good shape.

My PFP bushing on one cart is good. The wear I've noticed on the other PFP bushing has been attributed to catching on a bur on the inside of the drainholes on the cart. Piston only runs through this on disassembly/assembly. Not in use.

Each set of Marzocchis show varying degrees of tolerance. Some the upper bushing is very tight on the leg, others it floats some more. I imagine varying degrees of tolerance in the coatings on the surfaces as well.

My forks aren't getting any more new anything after one of the PFP carts sucked up some alloy from the spring perch turning against a sharp edge on the preload spring clip. Constant contamination and visible wear/damage in one cart. I feel the fork action break down in around 5hrs ride time. Its not cost/time effective to continue changing oil at that rate.

No crossover found for the PFP. If I was in the suspension business, I'd look at having a complete new IFP designed which doesn't catch air around the outer edge, and accomodates a freely available (and cheap) bushing.
ok , thanks for the input jakobi , what im experiencing is excessive play from what appears to be the leg bushings , ill be doing a tear down soon , hopefully its nothing too serious ...