I have it mounted thanks to a friend who fabricated seat mounts for me. A bit in and back with threaded inserts (American no less,that was all he had at the time). Thanks to Hall's for service after the sell, and to clint in the service dept. for showing me the trick to getting the seat all the way forward on the two front mounts (even after 31 years of dirt biking I learn something new every day). Hall's had a stock subframe on hand for comparison and upon further inspection followed the contour of the seat base perfectly/which the ac racing subframe did not- but in defense of ac racing this subframe is made for a 98 kx250-not a Gas Gas. So in retrospect if I had the money too make the difference up for the stock one my gut feeling would have steered me towards the switch but on the other hand even with all the hassle the ac unit looks much beefier and if the stock one lasted this long I'll take my chances with this ac unit. I shoe gooed plastic m.c. crate pads on the fender under the seat to take up the space left by the lack of rise on the aftermarket subframe hoping this will keep my new seat base from breaking under flexing/stress. Decided not to trim overhang on rear seat base as that would have put even more stress on seat base to force down into fender like stock did. Wanted to share my trials and tribulations in case someone else were trying to decide on stock or aftermarket.