ACL/Meniscus tear questions

Thanks for this thread guys, it has helped me understand things that yesterday I had no idea about.
Until my gg txt spat me off and down a bank.
I have apparently (hopefully) just 'stretched' or hurt the mcl
At least I know what to expect over the next few weeks/months.
If it is not more serious.
Just got back from seeing the surgeon. I have a totally ruptured ACL and compound fractures of something. He says I must have intensive physio with a sports therupist for two months then go back and see him. If there is no marked improvement then he will go in and have a look.
I'm pushing 50 and was running around 15-20 miles a week. In pretty good shape. Long story short rode a step ladder down and did similer to my knee. Went here and there and was told this and that. Long story short I'm not gonna lie to you I had to take it easy for a long time (App 6 monthes) I tried to push it earlier as I thought and felt iti was healing. Was not. Now it has been app 15 monthes and it feels pretty good. Talk to a good DR. and figure out what it takes and good luck!
The older we get the longer the time to full recovery.

Oh Yes!
I'm doing the exercises and doing physio but struggling. Some days I feel like I might be able to ride again in January and some days I can hardly walk well I can walk but it bloody hurts.

I'm not too sure which way to go at the moment:confused: I suppose I will carry on and see the surgeon on the 2nd of Jan.
I am the same as you pepperami, but I have gone riding twice with a brace.

Easy stuff, but it feels great being on two wheels again.

I am still waiting to get an appointment to see the surgeon.

Starting the bike is the biggest hurdle right now. I plan all my stops on hills for the bump start.

Oh Yes!
I'm doing the exercises and doing physio but struggling. Some days I feel like I might be able to ride again in January and some days I can hardly walk well I can walk but it bloody hurts.

I'm not too sure which way to go at the moment:confused: I suppose I will carry on and see the surgeon on the 2nd of Jan.
Do they have you in a Pre-Op brace?
No, I wore a brace for a few weeks initially but the Dr wants me to strengthen my leg muscles. I I believe he wants to see if I can get away without surgery. I'm sure he thinks because i'm old I don't need my ACL. I'm also sure he hasn't a clue what enduro is :confused:
My comment is a little off subject, but kinda fits: I have this theory that dirt bike riders in general are mentally tougher than the average Joe. Not that we don't feel pain like everyone else, but that we are willing to put up with it to do what we love doing. I bet that if you could somehow test dirt bike guys and girls and assign personality types, we would almost all be "Type A" personalites.

Type A"s tend to have more heart attacks. Tend to have more strokes. Tend to have more physical problems related to lifestyle choices which bear out our need to push ourselves and accomplish more.

But research also shows that Type A"s recover faster and more completely from health problems. We might kill ourselves trying to do something difficult, or different, or dangerous, but then we deal with the circumstances of our decisions better if we happen to survive.

On any bike related website you go on, you see amatuer competitors with serious injuries like many pro atheletes have, but yet most of us ain't gettin paid for it! Yet we do it anyway. We put more emphasis on living to live rather than living to merely exist? Try to get more out of life and deal with the complexities that arise?

Are there any behavioral health experts, like shrinks, reading this who can comment?

Anyway, back to the busted up knee: Some injuries can be overlooked, rushed with recovery, worked around. Knees kinda can't. Pushing yourself with a busted knee is kinda like trying to win a race with a flat. You'll probably just crash, or bust a rim, or both, and still not win. When it comes to knee injuries, just suck it up and be smart and patient. Try to not live out your usual hardcore attitude and be smart and conservative enough to get it fixed and let it heal. Then go ride hard and see if you can bust it up again.

One thing you can do; however, is seek out a sports medicine doc rather than a regular doc. Tell him you are willing to suffer through a sports medicine based rehab, which will certainly hurt more, but will get you riding quicker. From what I have read, most people do equally well after a sports med recovery program as with a regular program. They just get back in action faster. I have taken this route with several injuries and it is very painful but worth it. My attitude is that it is gonna hurt a little for a long time, or a lot for a shorter time, so I'd rather get it over with.

Any good doc won't give you advice that will result in a poor recovery. Some injuries only respond to slow rehab. Others benefit equally from fast rehab. Might as well ask?

I have a buddy who is a head Dr.. deals with people with issues.. well bigger more complex issues than ours(dirt bike addictions) and we talked before about riders and injuries and toughness.. He is a mountain biker.. He said the average dirt biker/mountainbiker is way tougher and deals with pain better than the average person but is harder to deal with in his office as they hold it all in.. I'll try to get some more in depth with him.. I'll take him a beer and some game meat.. trade it for insite and "boilo"... and report back..
No, I wore a brace for a few weeks initially but the Dr wants me to strengthen my leg muscles. I I believe he wants to see if I can get away without surgery. I'm sure he thinks because i'm old I don't need my ACL. I'm also sure he hasn't a clue what enduro is :confused:

Wow, maybe a second opinion with a sports injury ortho is in order. They automatically assume that at our ages [mid/late 40's], we are winding down to the couch like other sports, because their typical patient is a High School or young pro ball/tennis player.

I don't know how your system works over there, but if you can, I would urge you to get a second opinion from an Ortho that is in "tune" with your needs.
I now have a copy of my MRI scan :eek:
So now I know whats wrong :confused:

It says
There is a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament.
There are extensive bone contusions in the medial and lateral posterior tibial plateau. There are also trabecular compression fractures in the postero lateral tibial plateau.

Everything else is intact! I think I need my physio to get his model knee out and show me!
Well I have been back to see the surgeon and he feels I don't need an operation. There has never been any loss of stability and is fairly strong. So after 4 1/2 months he has given me the green light to get into the gym but most importantly ride my bike :D Got to go back and see him in 4 months. This years motivational motto is

Fitter Faster Stronger

Or FFS for short ;)
Well that is good news. :) Be sure to buy some good braces and wear them. Your knee will hyperextend much more easily now (I know from experience).
Good for you Pepperami, I finally get to see the Surgeon for the first time Jan 15.

I unfortunately do have instability.

I purchased 2 Custom Don Joy braces. Even when I could barely walk, when I put the Brace on I had a great deal more stability.

Good Luck
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Good luck with the Doc bud. I have learnt to take it easy in the gym. One good day and one bad day to recover.
Good luck Pep and Mud.
i was wearing my Asterisk when i tore my ACL, I now use the Ossur/CTi braces and love them.
I have got myself some OTS CTI braces! Bike is now finished (thanks Henrik Schmidt) I have been doing an hour a day in the gym so now lets get dirty :D