I've been meaning to work out the Kawasaki wheel on a Gas Gas for a long time so I will do work on it and have the answer by Sunday. I have multiple sets of KX rear wheels which I believe are interchangable with KDX/KLX (older) wheels. I don't believe the Suzuki/Kawasaki DRZ/KLX wheels are the same as the KX wheels so I cannot compare to those at this time. I will measure everything from axle diameter to hub width and check alignment of brake rotor and sprocket. If it's a matter of axle diameter, I will research the correct bearing to make it work. The only thing I'm really worried about are spacers so I have a local machinist lined up to fix that and I will have extras made. Of course, they would not be done by Sunday! Also, just for fun, I will weigh both and report what I find back to this thread! By the way: KX and KDX wheels are regularly available for very little money on Craig's List and other "E"vil sites! I bought a front and rear set locally with new bearings for $20.00 last year!