Air filter access on electric start 2stroke's

Whats an F drill? Where can I buy some in the US for my 11 250 Six Day? Thanks for all the info on this website.

An "F" drill is the usual tap drill size for 5/16-18 threads. From the "Letter" series that has lots of odd sizes compared to the more standard fractional drills. Those AVK low head 8-32 inserts would typically go into a 17/64 hole, but I wanted a snug fit, so I used an "F" drill which is .257" diameter. I filed the hole to .260 and pressed in the insert. 17/64 is .265" diameter. The inserts measure .261/.262 in size.

AVK inserts are sold through large "specialty fastener" supply houses. I did a quick search and found them listed at Byler Rivet and H.W. Eckhart. An AVK distibutor rep for your area should be able to recommend who has them locally. See the AVK website.

I also found the same product from PEM. Their version is the Atlas Spin-Tite AEL.
If you drop the filter into the air box backwards and turn it around inside the air is quick and easy, and no fussing with the side panel.
No way! If that works, I am buying you a beer... Can I say, "Way to think outside the box...."
No way! If that works, I am buying you a beer... Can I say, "Way to think outside the box...."

Yeah totally works, for some reason it comes out the "normal" way, but getting that sucker back in there sure is I tried the square peg in a round hole technic...hey it worked!

I'll have my girlfriend get video of it the next time I service the air filter.