air leak, top of fork ???


New member
2012 xc300. right top fork, rebound adj screw, air is coming out. its not the bleeding air screw, :( its the adj screw, bike has low hours on it, maybe 10 , when you push down on the bars, you can hear it, WTF, I am totally loss.:(:(
2012 xc300. right top fork, rebound adj screw, air is coming out. its not the bleeding air screw, :( its the adj screw, bike has low hours on it, maybe 10 , when you push down on the bars, you can hear it, WTF, I am totally loss.:(:(

Were the forks opened up by you or a tuner? Was the bike purchased new? A 12' with 10 hrs. I'm sure some handy guys on here like Steve or Jakobi will offer some excellent advice. Just be patient I think Jakobi is still asleep down there Australia!
The rebound adj is on the bottom of the fork.

Are you certain its the compression adj that its leaking from? Put some spit on it and pump it and check for bubbles. Even if it is the case its not a lot of work and any tuner can easily replace the small o-ring that seals it. I'd recommend getting a competent tuner to pull them down, revalve them, and go through the whole PFP assembly lubing all the o-rings with a quality rubber grease. It'll work worlds better.