Am I rich or lean?


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I am a total moron when it comes to this. I can tune anything based on anyone's input, but I cannot listen to my own brain or trust what I am doing. Look at this video and provide me some input on jetting. I really have no idea what I should be looking/listening/feeling as this is my first big bore two stroke. I was pleased with the bike except for some of the blubber when closing the throttle. It idles well enough (or so I think, I have no comparison).

NEDW #2 (from top)
40 pilot
AS 2.5
172 main
2000'-3000' altitude
70* F

Ninja edit: 40:1 Maxima K2 and pump premium fuel. Almost zero smoke when warm, and a slight ring of spooge on the silencer (FMF Gnarly and Turbine 2).
Hey Phil,

Hard to tell by video, and riding that terrain meant it was predomidantly all below half throttle by the looks. Few times it sounded like it was about to come on the pipe.

It looked like it took throttle well and wasn't bogging out on you at all. Idle was maybe a touch high I thought. Is the burble at with the throttle lightly open (just off idle) or around 1/4 throttle. You can probably clean it up with another half a turn on the AS. Might need to drop it one size. But you will always have some burbling at light throttle to ensure you have good torque under load.

You could always try the NECW at clip #2 which would give you a half a clip leaner which may work alright at your temps and elevation. Its hard to describe what is rich and what is lean online. Pull the choke and try and ride. Feel it blubber andbe hard to take revs or take revs slowly. Thats rich. Lean is like when your bike is running out of fuel, or when you first start it in the morning and opening the throttle makes it feel like its going to stall out. Trademark bogging sound.. Booooooo and if you can then when it gets fuel.. waaahhh!
Burble is at 1/4 when closing. Do you mean drop the main or pilot one size? And wind in or out 1/2 on the AS? Thanks for the tips, I'll give them a shot next time out. I am a "ride what you got" kind of guy, I tend to ride around issues and just have a go at it. Of course, my next ride is at 1000' feet, so of course it will be different. Oh well, I have a high altitude baseline and plenty of jets and needles.
The pilot circuit (jet and AS) are responsible from 0-1/4 throttle. If the bike feels good below here odds are that the Air screw and pilot jet are good. You might find it wants to be leaned out a touch more just where the burble is. You could try half a clip leaner on the needle but it will also lean from 1/4 through to 3/4 throttle a bit too. I would try that personally if I had a NECW in clip #2. Its very much trial and error.
Its good. Go ride! :D

Right on! Need to squeeze some little rides in before the Gallardo 500, so here's my excuse to test any jetting adjustments. Except for the annual pilgrimage to see the golden child in San Francisco (Wife's younger brother, only boy in a Chinese family) clogging up my schedule. Hm. Sick time rolls over on Friday...

Going to try some different needles and jets just to see how it deviates from the current jetting. It better be fun, that's all I'm saying.