amarillo weather..


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this picture is just north of our main riding area..

3 to 4 feet of hail.. there are some videos of a wall of mud running down the river..

the guy is standing beside the hail...


I thought hail was the iceblocks that fell from the sky?? Looks like old mates standing next to some erosion to me.. :D
I thought hail was the iceblocks that fell from the sky?? Looks like old mates standing next to some erosion to me.. :D

that is where the canadian river ran thru it... it was a wierd storm.. made all the national news.. it was seriously 4 ft of hail...
Mother natures been throwing some odd balls around lately. Over this side it feels like the seasons have shifted and everythings running a good month or two behind schedule.
Mother natures been throwing some odd balls around lately. Over this side it feels like the seasons have shifted and everythings running a good month or two behind schedule.

Yeah.. i think we are ahead by that far sometimes.. we have had , in the past, some pretty good snow storms here on mothers day..
we have already hit close to 100 this week.. we are having a plauge of moths right now.. worst i have ever seen..