Big Boot


New member
I finally went on the Big Boot trail ride. It was a BRC fundraiser
ride and my club picked up 1/2 the $200 entry fee. This trail ride is
held on Simpson Timber Company land in Big Lagoon, CA. I drove fellow
GasGas rider Josh Golden's van up there and due to the Nascar race at
Raceway (Sears Point) and it being Gay Pride weekend in San
Francraphole, the traffic sucked and turned our 5.5 hour trip into a 8
hour trip. Josh had to drive back.

The riders meeting was at 7:00 AM on Saturday morning and the last
rider had to be out by 9:00 AM. There was 65 miles of trail with
62-63 being single track. SWEET! The area had not seen rain in 3
weeks, but the only real dust was in the clear-cut areas. We took off
at about 7:30 AM and the trails were so dark, I had to remove my
goggles to even see. These are some thick redwood forest. About 6
miles into the ride I was going up a hill and had to make about a 60
degree left turn half way up. Traction was hit or miss and I was
struggling to find a comfortable pace. The 60 degree turn turned
into a 90 degree turn as the rear of the bike came around as I lost
traction. Unfortunately, I regained traction and was not heading
towards a 3 inch diameter tree, but I was going pretty slow. So I
chopped the throttle and prepared for impact. The impact was nothing
special and I confident I would stop and grab the tree to keep from
falling down. Well, I let my throttle hand linger to long and as the
left bark buster hit the tree, the bars turned left and the throttle
accidentally was applied. My bike did the most beautiful loop out as
I held on to the tree. The bike was undamaged and my wrist was sore.
I sprained it or it's got a fracture, but it didn't hurt enough to
stop riding. So, I finished out the 65 miles and it was well worth
any pain I endured. They had another 30 miles available, but my wrist
was sore and I had another day of riding to do Sunday.

Sunday morning and my wrist was 1/4 bigger than normal, but it did not
hurt to do most normal things, so the ride was on for me. We started
later to get some more light into the woods. We were riding the same
trails, but only backwards. They were awesome and in better shape
than day 1 which is a little odd. The gas stop was at 45 miles on
Sat., so that put it at 20 miles on Sunday. That's where I called it
a day. I had a sore wrist and a long drive home and I felt like I was
beat with a bat because I haven't ridden much. I fell over a few other
times each day, but nothing to write about.

The woods reminded me of the Harrell compound. Big ferns and thick
trees. Staying on the trail was a must. Holes and logs were waiting
for you to make a mistake. There were wild flower everywhere. It was
really cool to ride past the Irus' growing throughout the woods.
(example - I hope to be
able to do this ride again.

I tamed my GasGas for day 2. I have a RB designs modified head on my
bike and it added low end. That and the leaner slide I was running
prior to the head was too much in the tight bar banging woods that I
rarely see in California. So, I went back to the stock slide and
smoothed the power a bit. I'm going to drop a tooth on the rear
sprocket also. Sunday, I rode a '06 CRF250X for a couple miles and a
'07 KTM 300 XC. I was helping a couple club members set up their
bikes. The CRFX had the perfect power for those trails. The
suspension was jacked, but I was able to get it back to good working
order. The stock suspension on that bike is good stuff, but not when
set-up wrong. The KTM had been revalved, but the owner did/does not
know what to do to tune it in. I backed off the rebound 12 clicks if
that tells you anything. It was packing up bad. The '07 KTM 300 XC
is leaps and bounds better than the '04 I had. It even turns! It was
still too stiff as I set it to 2 clicks from full soft, but the
balance was there front and rear. Power on the KTM was just like my
GasGas before I went back to the richer slide. Very beefy power.

Anyway, I had a good time,
